The warlock wasn't sure what to do – he called both Nico and Ava several times but neither answered and no one had seen them around the institute since the day's morning. Magnus figured he could call Bellamy or Eliza, but he'd seen Bellamy earlier on in the day and he'd been clueless about Nico's disappearance as they hadn't spoken in awhile for reasons unknown to Magnus.

Alec decided to call Eliza, whilst Magnus finds an item that belongs to Nico – his lighter that Alec took from him some time ago. He begins to cast a tracking spell in order to find his absent boyfriend.

Just when the spell began to take an effect, a portal appears in front of him and the aforementioned blond steps out with a tired expression on his face. "Hello there, pretty boy, darling."

"Nicholas Samael Morgenstern, just where have you been? We were worried that Valentine got to you first." Magnus asked, as Alec hung up on Eliza without any words spoken and immediately came over to hold Nico's injured hand softly, whereas Magnus held their free hands.

A dark shadow of guilt passed over Nico's face. He soon recovered and smiled lightly, "there is truly nothing to worry about. Valentine doesn't even know where I am, just like you didn't and still won't if I hadn't come of my violation. He won't find me." Nico sounded so confident in his words so his two boyfriends just agreed to leave it alone for now.

Not that they got the chance to say anything more as Ava walked through the portal, with a baby in her arms. "Nic, stop avoiding the subject." She scolded as Nico smiled down at her and their son.

"Fine." He sighed. "Ava went into labour, and now we have a son – his name's Henry Jonathan Cartwright, for reasons that Ava and I thought reasonable." Nico knew that Alec would think he named his son after Jace in a way, which he didn't but of course, many of the shadowhunters he was friends with weren't aware of his twin of the same name.

Alec nodded with a gentle look in his eyes, "Ava's surname would keep him out of the trouble you got yourself into with yours. Although, the trouble might just be what you bring to the table."

Nico smiled, "so how did the mission go? Where's my sister? I'm sure Clary would like to meet the nephew I never told her about."

Ava turned to Nico with a confused look, "you never told your own sister that we were going to have a child? Why didn't you?"

"Let's be honest, you've been pregnant for like a month, and have already given birth. I didn't have the time. Then again I suppose we can blame the divine intervention for that." Nico attempted to explain himself but he really just hadn't spoken to his sister in a long while as every time she spoke, she brought up their mother who he wasn't all that fond of.

Ava smiled, shaking her head lightly, as Nico wrapped an arm around her shoulders, keeping her steady. "Let's go find your sister, Izzy and Jace then." Ava spoke as the three men with her nodded, agreeing for their respective reasons.

+ + +

NICO COULD HANDLE A LOT OF THINGS but he couldn't handle the fact that Jocelyn had woke up and was now roaming the halls of the institute. Nico assumed that his sister would be with their mother so maybe it wasn't best to introduce Henry to his aunt.

But as always, he didn't get a choice as his dark brown eyes landed on the familiar face of his mother, who came over to hug him, to keep up appearances in front of Clary. Nico tensed, and subtly gestured for Ava to leave, but she wasn't able to see it as Jocelyn moved away and placed her hand on her son's face, checking him over.

"Nicholas, how have you been? It's good to see you again." Jocelyn spoke as her normally warm eyes turned cold as they landed on Nico himself, who frowned.

"Please stop pretending you care. I know you don't, so stop trying to pretend, as you're not very good at it. If you want to be kept up to date, ask your darling daughter." Nico snarled, as he turned on his heel and proceeded to leave before bumping into Clary herself.

Ava caught up to him, not wanting to spend any time with his estranged mother. "Hi Clary," she greeted with a small smile.

"Hi Ava, it's good to see you again. It's been awhile." Clary's blue eyes dropped down to the baby in her arms. "Is he yours?"

Ava nodded, "his name's Henry." Clary cooed as she leaned closer, staring down into the baby's dark brown eyes, that were identical to Nico's, which lead to another question from Clary. "Wait, is he my nephew?"

Nico nodded, as his sister squealed. "I'm an aunt! Who are the godparents?"

Ava and Nico looked at one another, and simultaneously agreed. Ava was the one who spoke though, "Eliza and Bellamy – they're our closest friends, there's no one better for the job."

Clary smiled down at Henry, who blinked up at her. Nico looked up and over his sister's head, at their mother, who began to walk over and stand behind her beloved daughter. Jocelyn turned her gaze down to her son, and raised an eyebrow questioningly, "and who's this?"

"Our son, Henry." Nico spat, as he glared at his mother, before Ava placed a hand on his shoulder and shook her head. Instead of saying anything else about Henry, Nico turned his dark eyes to lock onto his mother's eyes. "Where's Jace?"

Jocelyn's face twisted into a grimace, as Clary answered him, "he joined Valentine." Nico's eyes widened as his uninjured hand clenched. He hummed in acknowledgment as he shared a look with Ava.

+ + +

Yes, Henry will be an important character in the sequel and this is all just setting up for the sequel after the next one or two chapters.

And now that Jocelyn is awake, she will be involved with the conflict in the sequel and in Nico's character development.

Feedback is appreciated.

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