Distant Cousins

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Listen to that song on the side or at the top, whatever you're reading from. I've never heard anything more beautiful unless you're Thorin Oakenshield singing Misty Mountains...



Merry and Pippin were getting anxious. With every day that passed, Isengard seemed to move closer and closer to them. "You'd think with how long Treebeard's legs are that we'd get there faster." Pippin whispered to Merry, hoping that the Ent didn't hear. Of course the Ent did hear and muttered under his breath about ungrateful Hobbits, making Pippin hurriedly apologise to the Ent sheepishly.

The Hobbits and Treebeard were making their way to Isengard with Treebeard thinking he was only dropping them off but Merry and Pippin merely wanted to show him the damage that Saruman had done to the Forest....and hopefully persuade him and the rest of the Ents to fight. Their friends were fighting, why could they not?

Night soon fell and the Hobbits drifted off to sleep, their dreams featuring someone they did not expect. Merry and Pippin found themselves in Lothlórien, once again in the Healing House. "Merry, what's happening?" Pippin asked his friend, wondering if they both had finally lost their minds.

"Shhh Pip, I'm thinking." Merry replied anxiously, his brown eyes taking in the familiar surroundings of Lothlórien.

They had been walking amongst the beautiful trees when they heard a voice say, "Hello my friends. How I have missed you both." Startling suddenly and reaching for their daggers which were not there, they whipped around to see Eleniel, like she looked when she was alive. Beautiful and...breathing, which was the most important thing to them. Running to their friend, they jumped into her embrace, the happiness present in their expressions.

"Lee, I've missed you," Merry said in Noldorin, Pippin repeating his words. While they had spent time together in Lothlórien, she had taught all four of the Hobbits the language of her people. They weren't exactly fluent but they could hold a conversation with her.

She smiled at their words before replying, "I have missed you all aswell my Hobbits," They snuggled into her arms, both of them breathing in her homely scent.

Merry pulled away from the arms of his friend, a bright smile on his face which darkened when he remembered what Gandalf had told them. "Lee, how are you here? What is this? Are you not supposed to be dead?" The smart, little Hobbit asked to their friend.

Eleniel merely smiled at them before nodding at them to walk with her. She told them how Irmo had allowed for her spirit to enter their dreams to speak with them. The Hobbits stuck very closely to their friends side and constantly glanced at her as if they feared that she would disappear if they looked away even for a second. "You know I miss all of you very much. The presence of all of you around me as I sleep is something that I dearly miss," she said to them.

Sad expressions found their way onto Merry and Pippin's faces as their eyes watered. "I am sure everyone misses you aswell but we are happy that Irmo has allowed us to see you, even if this is only a dream." Merry said, small tears flowing down their cheeks as they looked sadly at their dead friend.

Eleniel smiled dejectedly at them both, wishing she could tell them that she would see them again one day but knew that it was not the time. "I know," they looked around and found themselves sitting under the pavilion they had stayed in when in Lothlórien. Wistful smiles bloomed as their mind thought on better times. "But why should you be any less happy even if this is a dream?" Her words she spoke echoed that of which she spoke to Estel. The Hobbits nodded, agreeing with her.

Eleniel glanced down at the small bodies cuddled against her own and said seriously, "But there is also something that I wish to ask of you, both of you." The Hobbits perked up before answering that they would do anything for her. Eleniel smiled at their words before saying, "There is something that the Ents have that will be needed for the coming times, you must ask Treebeard for it and keep it safe. Do not tell anyone of what it is you carry for many shall seek it out, the forces of darkness included."

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