17. A Decision Made

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Duke stared, his mouth hanging open. No no no no no. This can't be happening.

"No," Violet said. "That's not right. Duke isn't Lionel Weatherby. That's impossible."

Stacey Winston shook her head and let out a frustrated groan. "Lionel is very twisted. He probably made you think you were friends as some sort of sick joke, knowing that he was harming your brother the whole time."

The way Violet's face scrunched in uncertainty stung Duke. Don't believe it, Violet.

"But why would he—" Violet shivered violently and her breath came out of her mouth as thick white steam. "It got cold like this last night during the séance."

"He's here," Stacey Winston said, "and he knows we know." She turned in a circle, looking around for any sign of Duke. "It gets very cold when he's upset."

Mr. Gunderson looked at his own breath as it came out of his mouth. He looked down at his wife and then at Violet. "These people who are coming—"

"The Yuns," Stacey Winston said sharply.

"They'll be able to . . . help our son?" He ran a shaking hand backwards over his bald head.

"They're the best," Stacey Winston said, "or at least that's what their pricing suggests. After the last attempt to get rid of Lionel, I contacted them and promised to double their already outrageous fee to drop everything the moment I needed them."

Violet looked up at Stacey Winston. "He really has ruined your life, huh?"

Stacey Winston turned sharply to Violet. "And now I'm going to ruin his afterlife."

"He's really that bad?"

"You don't know the half of it."

Duke thought back to the many times he had terrified the people who had bought the house. He thought back to the many times he had fought against the people Stacey Winston brought to rid the house of him. He remembered the dark thrills he felt when following Vincent's cruel advice or when coming up with new ways to scare the living on his own.

I'm not like that anymore, he wanted to scream, but he had no energy. It felt like one side of the house had been lifted into the air and he would fall over and roll away any moment.

"But he seemed so nice," Violet's voice wavered with the pain of betrayal.

Duke closed his eyes and leaned his head against one of the banister spindles.

Mrs. Gunderson was suddenly on her feet. "What is this Lionel doing to our son?!" She looked around. "Mark! Mark! Can you hear me?!"

Duke shook his head. He's not here. Here's not here! What do I do?

"Come with me, Duke."

Instantly filled with rage, Duke turned and was on his feet to face Vincent. "You! Get out of here!"

"Did you guys hear something?" Violet said below.

"He won't hurt your son for much longer, Sue." Stacey Winston's teeth chattered as she spoke. "I'm calling the Yuns to confirm." She pulled her phone from her pocket and tapped on the screen.

Vincent smirked. "You know I enjoy seeing the old fire inside of you, but be careful. If you get carried away they might hear you."

"What does it matter anymore? They already know about me."

Vincent's smirk widened.

"Fa, hello, it's Stacey Winston," Stacey Winston said. "Yes. Yes. Violet Gunderson. She's the girl who lives in the house now. Good. And you're on your way, right? Where are you coming from?"

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