13. Suddenly?

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I'm in my car with Jennie. She decided to crash at my place beacause of THE 'punishment' that Chichu gave to her and while me got punished too by the innocent church girl.

As we were driving banging on the playlist of Jennie then my phone rang.

"Jennie, can you get that and put it on speaker?" I said driving. She accept the call and put on speaker.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey. It's Tae"

"Oh hey wassup?"

"Dad's here"


"Yes I know but he's here" he kinda whispered

"Why the hell is he here?"

"I don't know. He wants you here to tell you in person."

"Where are you anyways?"

"The mansion with him

"I'll be there in 20 mins"

"ok see you bye love ya"

"Bye hate ya" and I hang up

"Are you ok?" Jennie asked

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Are you like alright by yourself in my room for like 30 min?" I asked

"Oh yeah absolutely! If you want me to be by your side when he's talking to you, I'll be there" she said looking at me

"No it's ok. I can handle it" I said trying to convince myself

"Sure" she wasn't sure at all to believe me or not

"Don't worry I'll be fine" I assured her

"Ok if you need me. I'll be there ok." she said smiling

~At the mansion~

We enter the living room and saw Tae and my dad sitting each on a sofa.

"Hey" I said

"Oh hey lil sis and Jen" he said waving

"I'll be upstair" Jennie whispered and kissed my cheek and went upstair

"Hey, my beloving daughter" my dad said and got up and hugged me and I hugged back awkwardly

"Let's sit down" I said and sat near Tae

"How are you?" my dad asked

"Great" I said and smile

"So...."​he said

"Cut to the chase. Why are you here?" I said

"Well you see, about the compan-" I cut him off "I already told yo-"

"Oh no I'm not asking you take over" he said assuring me

"So what about the company?" I asked

"You see, I have a friend of mine that agreed to do collaboration.. " he said

"Oh great but what about it?" I said 'I know this going to be somewhere I'm not liking'

"Yeah and it was under one condition and it was for you to go to this school" he said

"WHATTT??!? SCHOOL??! Dad! You're joking, right" I said laughing nervously

"No, I'm really sorry but that would absolutely help the company and I will stop bothering you after this one time" he said and he was sincere

"Ughhh~! God~!" I said nearly screaming

"Oh I nearly forgot that you're going with his youngest daughter and we've arranged a meeting tomorrow" he said

"I'll think about it and let you know by tonight" I said and got up and screamed for Jennie

"I'm going out don't wait for me for dinner" I said to Tae "Oh, and dad, sleep here if you want plenty empty rooms, choose one" I said

"You called for me ?" Jennie asked behind me

"Yeah, let's go out" I said and walked to the garage

"ok" she said and followed


~In The Car~

There was a comfortably silence in the car. We were driving and I figured out we were going to our hide spot with a great scenery and quiet.

We got out of the car and sat on the edge of the hills and gaze at the sun and she still wasn't talking.

It's been 10 mins and she still hasn't said a single word so I decided to start a conversation.

"So what did he say?" I asked

"Oh well, just some company stuff" she said clearly trying to avoid the subject

"You know that I know you from head to toe, right?" I said and she sighed

"He said I had to go to this school with one of his friend's youngest daughter for the collaboration of the company" she said

"So, you're doing it?" I asked

"I don't know, honestly. Part of my heart wants to do it but my other part don't. So I'm pretty much like a lost sheep" she said

"What do you think I should do?" she added

"What do I think you should do? Ummm~I think that you should followed your heart" I said

"Oh my god! It's hard. And he said I will be meeting the girl tomorrow." I said

"Look y/n/n, if that's the case, you should meet her tomorrow and then decide if you want to do it or not. 1nd personally I don't think it would be that bad" I said

"It won't be that bad, right?" she said and I know sh'es trying to convince herself

"I know you have a hard time getting along with people when you're not with me but trust yourself and the time would pass away like a quick sand" I said rubbing her back

"Yeah, thanks Jennie" she said and lean her head on my shoulder and I leaned my head on her's

"Anytime, babe" I said smiling

"Let's enjoy the view for a couple of minutes then go home" she said

"Sure!" I said

We looked at the beautiful view for a couple minutes in a comfortable silence and wind blowing on us softly and decide to enter home and I decide to drive.

After 25 mins into the drive, "Jendeuk?" she said

"Yes, babe~" I said

"Can you be there when I'm talking to dad?" she said playing with my finger

"Sure!! You don't have to ask" I said

"Thanks your the best" she said and kissed my cheek

"I'm driving" I said giggling and she just shrugs.

And we drived while banging on dope songs and sang our throats out like it was the last time we're going to sing....

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