4. Confess?

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Today's the day when are going to debut and release our debut song BoomBayah. And here I am in the Dance practice room, praticing for the last time beforing going on stage. Everyone's nervous especially Rosé but I think she calmed down cuz you know who's there to calm here, I know what you're thinking but it's....




Yes, I know it's but there's also one thing that calmed her down and that is......


It's the first time seeing her having a crush on someone and plus its a girl... So it's really rare to see her blushing like an idiot like that for a long time. That blush was gone since her last ex 3 years ago.


"Hey babe" Dorain, Chaeng boyfriend said "Hey" Rosé said blushing the same blush. "Oh hi Jendeukie" he said waving at me and i really hate when he call me that cuz only Jisoo call me that and there's also another reason for me to hate him too "Hey" I respond a bit coldly and I did it on purpose "Don't worry about her, it's just her not having her milk ice cream" Rosé said more like finding an excuse to not let him know I hate him cus she knows too damn well that i hate him for something that's she's trying to figure out "Oh ok, then let's go I bought tickets oh and I'm really sorry for tonight, I have work to do." he said pouting "It's ok, I understand" Rosé said pecking his cheeks "Thanks, I'm lucky to have you" he said 'Yeah you damn are lucky to have her besides cheating on her' I thought "Aww~~~~ let's go, bye jenjen, see u later" she saaid waving at me and I smiled back "Don't be late" i said "I won't" she said.

Oh and THE REASON that I HATE HIM is because he tried to kissed Jisoo, YES MY FREAKING JISOO, THE ONE AND ONLY PRECIOUS JISOO!! many times when he gets a chance and plus he was with Rosé when he tried to do that.

"I'm back~" Rosé shouted "Chaeng we need to talk" I said seriously and looked at her sternly "Umm, sure"she said and walk towards

"So what is it? Unnie" she asked "You know about you dating Dorain...." I said hesitating to tell her 'What about it?" she asked her eyebrows furrowed "He's trying to cheat on you." I said 'Here we go' I thought "What are you talking bout unnie?" she said a bit pissed "I know you won't believe me, but-" "If you know damn well, why would you tell something that isn't real" she said "Now she's angry" I thought "It is real, he tried to kiss Jisoo many times and Jisoo always pushed him away and I happened to always be near to Jisoo so I saw every damn single thing, I pulled him away from Jisoo every single damn time, he would try to hit me but you always arrive on time and Jisoo was scared. You were standing next to that damn cheatcock and kissed while we.. WE!US! ME AND JISOO! Know who the fuck he really are." I said nearly exploding all my feelings.

"You're lying" she said "What's the point of me lying to you, you know fucking well that I like Jisoo, no?" I said feeling frustrated "You hate my boyfriend and only want to get rid of him" she said to the point of screaming "Fine, if you don't believe me go back to that cheatcock and don't come back crying if he cheats or break up with you because apparently it's normal to you and If! If you want to know if I'm lying, go ask Jisoo, because Jisoo has no reason to lie and never lies!" I said in anger and went into my room.

Tomorrow night, Jisoo said she was hungry, so I went to make her a sandwich. As I was walking, I passed by Rosé room and heard sobbing noises. I look through the door space and saw Rosé sitting holding her knees near to her and cried in her knees. "Rosie?" I said entering the room and heard something shuffled "Hey, unnie..." she said like her soul was gone "Are you alright?" i asked worryingly "You weren't lying all along. I can't believe that I thought you were a liar but instead..." I didn't let her finish her sentence and pull her into a tight hug "Shhhh~Let's talk about it later, go to sleep you mist be tired and when you wake up we'll talk about it" I said patting her head "Ok, goodnight Kiwi~" she said "Been a long time since I heard that nickname" I said smiling "Sorry.." she said and I can feel the guilt in her voice "Goodnight, chipmunkie" I said and turn the lights off and closed the door and went to make Jisoo's sandwiches....

      ~End of Flashback~

I see Y/N come in and sees how she looks at Rosé and figured out this was a win win situation for them, they just have to figure it out "Hey, Y/N/N" I siad waving her to come here "Hey, Kiwinnie" she said and hugged me. I pulled her by her wrist to a more quiet corner. "You like her, don't you?" I asked "Who?" she asked looking confused "Chaeng.." i said "Rosie?? I- uhhh n-no""You're too obvious so spit it out, and I mean all of it." I said crossing my arms "Fine, yes i do like her, and i mean like.. You know well what it means" she said and I nodded "Look, if you manage to make her your girlfriend, please don't break her heart. She's already had one and it's enough for her and i knw you arent one who breaks hearts" I said "Don't worry and plus it's too early to ask her out, with all the schedule and first meeting, I need to get to know her better." she said smiling "I'm sure you two will be a couple goal, you two are cutie cute together" I said squishing her cheeks and smiling'"Hey, i'm not a kid" she said breaking from my pinching "Oh you sure are" I said giggling and ran away "What!??! COME HERE YOU LITTLE KIWINNIE" she shouted and ran after me and got a hold of me and put me on the ground and startes tickling me "SAY THAT I'MM A MATURED WOMAN" she said still tickling me "NEVERR" I said in between my laugh "Alrignt then guess I have to continue untill you say it"St-stoopp I-it, Fine fine fine fine You are a matured woman!!"
I screamed and she stop tickling me and I just drop dead there out of energy


I saw Y/N come in and I just dazed away into her beauty "You like her, don't you?""What?" I said looking to my left and it was Jisoo asking me "You like Y/N don't you?" she asked raising one eyebrow "Ummm.. O-of c-course" i stuttered "You know what I mean Rosie" she said frowning "uh ok, yes I do and I can't help it, i mean look at her she's just perfect, her smile, her eyes.." i said and she just giggle "Don't worry, it will work out somehow, have you seen how she looks at y-" she stop and i frown at her confusingly "What is it?" I said "Nothing but it will work out, don't worry" she said tapping my back "I hope so" i sigh

Unique Idol //Rosé X You #GirlXGirlWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu