10. Couples

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"Girls, today's gonna be a busy, be prepared and let's not get hurt!" our manager said

"Ne~~" we all said

We are in the car, going to our photoshoot and I was sitting near Jennie in front while Chaeng is with Lisa at the back the arrangement is like this:

Lisa Chaeng
---- ------
Jisoo Jennie
---- ------

Jennie's and mine's hands were intertwined and Jennie is looking at our hands smiling.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Lisa asked looking at Jennie like she was crazy but then she followed Jennie's eyes and saw that she was watching our hands intertwined

"Ohhhh~~that's why~" Lisa said pointing her index in the air "Man! Y'all are all in a relationship while I'm just a lonely human being" Lisa said pouting

"Hey you have me right now Y/N's not here so i'm pretty lonely and I don't want to watch them stare their shits out of each other" she said also pouting

"Aww~ don't worry your wifey will always be there for you" Jennie said making kissing face

"What about me~??" Lisa said crossing her arms and pout even more

"I think you also have an eye on someone, no? What was his name again? He's in the same group as Y/N's brother right?" I said making a thinking face

"Who was it again?" Jennie said joining the act

"s-stop it" Lisa said blushing and we all start laughing

"Ahh! I know!! Jungkook, yep him" I said grining and looked at Lisa and she blushed even more

"must be him, must be him" Jennie said giggling

"Aww~ don't be shy just ask for his number from tae" Chaeng said pinching Lisa's cheek

"Should I?" Lisa said

"You totally should or you're gonna regret it" I said nodding

"Totally agree" Jennie said

"I'll ask tae then" Lisa said blushing

"We're here guys, let' s get off" our manager said


"Should I make a luch box for the girls" I asked myself

"You totally should if you want to be next to your boo boo" "Omaya, Kamjagya!" I said putting my hands on my chest

"YA!! Were you trying to kill me!!" I said and hit me brother's shoulder playfully

"Sorry, but you totally should make them a lunch box" he said laughing

"What should I make? Kimbap? Tteokbokki? Sandwiches?" I asked

"All should do and some fruits and drinks that are cold" he said pointing at me

"Thanks, Oppa!" I said and kissed his cheeks

"Anytime princess" he said and bow like a prince

"Auntie!!!!! Help, help!!" I shouted

"What what what what what? What happened Agassi? Did you hurt yourself?" Chaesol, my housekeeper said panicking

"Calm down auntie, nothing's wrong i just need your help with cooking" i said laughing

"Aigo!" she said hitting my shoulder

"Ah! It hurts" i faked cried

"kenchana" she said panicking even more

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