Chapter thirteen

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"What happened?" I hear a familiar voice ask frantically.

I don't know. I hear another voice say in my head. I have never seen anything like this before. While the two of you were unconscious, your captors must have given her something.

I go to open my eyes before I fall back into a darkness of sleep.

I awake a time later, to Jace seated in a chair next to the bed I am on, in what I'm guessing an infirmary, an Clary sitting on the bed.

I try to sit up, but Jace and Clary force me down to the pillow.

"How are you feeling? Are you alright?" Clary asks in a rush.

"Slow down there Clary. Let her finish waking up before we drown her with questions" Jace says to her. He hands me a cup with a purplish liquid inside and helps me sit up.

"What is this one?"I ask.

"I actually don't know. Maryse made it" he says. I smile and down the liquid in the cup. It tastes of blueberries and strawberries. I nearly gag!

I stick out my tongue, to show my disliking. And my tongue is now purple. Clary laughs and Jace smirks. I roll my eyes and cough.

"That was disgusting!" I say. Jace takes the cup from my hand and smells it.

"It smells like blueberries" he says.

"It taste like blueberries too" I reply. When I see his confused look I add "I hate blueberries!"

 "What time is it?" I ask sleepily.

Clary looks down at her watch and says, "About 2 o'clock. You've been out cold for three days"

"Three days!" I say with disbelief. I try to sit up again and Jace grabs my arm to help. I climb to my feet and waver from lack of balance. I stare at the ground and at my black boots. 

"I, uh, need to go. I can't be here," I say trying to leave, but Jace's grip tightens.

"No, Kyla. You can't leave! The Silent Brothers have said it's not safe for you to leave. It's not safe," Clary says frantically. 

"Clary, I can't stay here!" I say. "The Clave will find me and though I'm not in any particular trouble at the moment, I don't want anything to do with them. I am a rogue Shadowhunter for a reason, to stay away and out of the reach of the Clave. I'm sorry."

I go to leave again, but Jace still won't let go. I jerk my arm hard, but his grip is like iron.  I feel like screaming, but settle for a loud grunt. 

"Jace, please," I say. You can hear the desperation in my voice.

"I can't just let you go. Those men did something to you and the Silent Brothers have no idea what, he say pleading with me. "There is something strange in you system. The Silent Brothers don't know what or how to help you."

"I don't want their help!" I shout. "I don't need their help. I don't need anyone's help."

I push past Jace and Clary now stands in my way. She tries to push me back onto the bed but I push her away from me. They step away from me.

"I'm sorry," I say. "I just.... Don't want their help. They have never shown an interest in me before, so why let them now?" Jace nods in understanding.

I look down and I see something shiny on the ground. I bend down and pick it up.

"That's mine," says Clary. "I've been looking for that...." She trails off and looks at me in shock.

"What?" I ask.

"Kyla?" Jace asks.

"Yeah?" I say unsure of what's going on. "I think we established that maybe a week ago."

"It's just you look different," he says.

"Different than a minute ago?" I ask and they both nod. I open my mouth then close it again, unsure of what to actually say. I am completely confused and clearly it shows.

 Jace turns and leaves the room, leaving Clary staring at me. I feel kinda uncomfortable and I shift under her gaze, but she just continues staring.

Jace returns later carrying something. He hands it to me and I look down at it. It a photo of Clary, but it's strange. When I move the photo the image moves and I realize, it's not a photo at all. It's a mirror!

And Clary's face is staring back at me. I drop the mirror in shock and step backwards. My breathing grows heavy and my head starts to spin.

I fall to the ground and Jace races to my side. He grabs my hand and places a hand on my forehead. I drop the ring and my head starts to hurt, then vanishes instantly.

"Kyla," Jace sighs and smiles at me. "You're back."

"What the hell happened?" I ask in shock. "What the hell did they do to me?"

TMI; The Herondale Secretحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن