Chapter six

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Well at least I was about to ride off, until one of them jumped in front of my bike and another grabbed me from behind. They lifted me from my bike and threw me to the ground. 

Unfortunately for me, I hit me head hard on the pavement and blacked out.

I woke up later to find the same four people staring at me, plus some new faces. I rub my eyes, just to double check that I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't.

I  find the boy with the blonde hair in the crowd and glare at him. He sticks his tongue out at me and then glares back. Great!

They all look  him and he shrugs. "Must be cause I'm the good looking one, and she's jealous." 

"In your dreams Blondie" I retort. He smiles and winks at me. The girl with the red hair glares at him too. 

I smirk at how fast his smile disappears when he see's her glaring at him.

Then a woman that looks and little like the girl with the whip and black hair, silences them all. Must be her mother, head of the institute. Don't ask how I know that, I just do. 

She approaches the bed I have been placed on. "Hello, my name is Maryse Lightwood. I'm the head of the institute. You've already met my daughter Isabelle, and my sons Alec and Jace, and his girlfriend Clary."

"We've met yes, but we've never been introduced, so thank you for that."

"My children tell me you saved their lives. So I'm in your dept and forever thankful. But I do have a few questions for you, if you'll be kind enough to answer them?" She asks.

"Of course, but first might I trouble you for something to eat and drink? I haven't eaten since... Wait, what time is it is it?" I ask.

"2:30 on the 7th of August.. You've been asleep for two days. Of course, you must be starved! I'll wipe you something up in the kitchen. If you'll just wait here. I'll be back in a few minutes." She replies with a smile.

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