Chapter eleven

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I wake lying on the floor of a dust ridden room, filled with cob webs.

I struggle into a sitting position and glance around the room.

Little Red, Clary, is no where to be seen, but Jace unconscious on the other side of the room. 

I use the wall to help me stand. With my head pounding I run over the Jace and try to rouse him. He doesn't stir.

I feel his pulse which, luckily, is still there and strong. I reach for my weapons but find I have none. I reach up my sleeve and smile. They, who ever They are, aren't smart enough to look for hidden weapons. good thing too, cause I have a few in, uh, awkward places.

I cut the rope around my wrists and Jace's. I re-hide the knife up my sleeve. I turn Jace onto his back. I re-check for a pulse, but it's not a powerful as before. 

I put my ear to his chest and listen for a heart beat. 

"What are you doing?" says a still dazed Jace. 

I jump half a metre away, half from fright, half from embarrassment.

I smile at him. "Just checking your still alive".

"Where are we? Where...... Where's Clary!?"

"I don't know. I only just woke up myself. You were kind of my first priority, making sure your alive and all" I say.

"Right. So now we've established I'm alive, let's figure a way out of here ad find the others."

"Agreed." I help Jace to stand and we search the room for a way out; a vent, a door, a window..... something.

I find a door on the other side of the room. 

Just as I reach for the handle, the door opens.

"Oh, good. You're awake. This way." The man at the door says delightedly.

I look ad Jace and we both hesitate. Then the man says "Oh, you'll be perfectly safe, I'm not going to hurt you."

And with, that we follow him out the door, still unsure about what to expect.

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