Chapter seven

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 Maryse returned about 5 minutes later carrying a tray. On the tray was a bowl of casserole and a cup of tea. She placed it at the end of my bed. Once I'd finished everything, Maryse led me into the library. She sat own at a desk and offered me the chair on the other side of the desk.  

"First, what your name?" She asks .

"I thought your children would have told you that when they brought me in" I replied.

"I wanted to hear it from you"

"Kyla Shade"

"Interesting. Last time I checked 'Shade" wasn't a shadowhunter last name. Which leads me to the conclusion that you are on the run from something or someone, and therefore had to change your name so you can't be easily recognized. And have done a poor job at that. "

Wow! All that from a last name. Dam shes good but not necessarily correct. So I simply say "Is that all or do you have another question for me?"

"Am I correct?" she asks.

"I don't know why it concerns you. If I am, its my business."

"Am I correct?" She asks again.

"To some extent. Lets just say I'm not a fan of the Clave. They know I exist and have cause trouble for them, that they rightly deserved, I might add. They aren't fans of me either. I try to stay under their radar as much as possible. If your going to try and turn me over to the Clave, you might want to do it while my strength is still low. Good luck trying to catch me other wise."

I smirk grew on my face, which seemed to annoy Maryse. 

"Any more questions?" I ask impatiently.

"Just one. Why did you save them?"

"It is in my best intrest to ensure the safety of young shadowhunters that go barging into a situation without knowing all the details." 

Hey Guys!!!

I am soooooo sorry I haven't updated for about a month I have been really busy!!!!

What do you think will happen next?!?!?!

Don't forget to comment and vote. Oh, and wattpad on the phone has updated. If anyone figures out how to actually comment or vote from the phone let me PLZ!!!!

I'm so sorry!!! I tried to update days ago but my internet was being a bum and wouldn't let me publish!!!! Here it is!!! 

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