Chapter #9

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Yami's POV.

"Yugi..? Yugi wake up." He was holding tight on my arm I could barely move. I turned on my side to feel more comfortable and I ended up facing him. He looks like an angel when he's sleeping.. It's just soothing to look at his face. How come I've never noticed that before? Uh.. No way I, Yami Sennen would fall for someone rather so quickly. There's definitely a secret behind you, Yugi.
I closed my eyes quickly when I felt like he woke up himself.

"Oh shit how long have I been holding onto him like that?? Stupid Yugi." He mumbled. I was about to talk but then he continued mumbling "You might seem tough on the outside but look at you sleeping like a baby." that's so cheesy. Seriously Yugi? I honestly wanna kiss you right now but I don't even know if you like me or if you already have someone in your life.

"A baby hmm?" I smirked.

"Y-you're awake?! Yami!! You'll pay for this!" I started laughing when he started tickling me.

"No hold on! Stop s-stop Yugi ahahah."
I tried to hold his arms but he ended up falling on me.

"Oww... Don't kill the fun Yami! I was enjoying thi-" his eyes widened when he realized our position. I smirked. This is my chance to find out.
I grabbed him by the collar and kissed him. I expected him to push me away or to get more shocked but his facial muscles got more relaxed and he leaned into the kiss. We kissed like we've had something before. Something really strong I don't know what it is but it's special.

"Yugi I'm sorry..." I mumbled when we pulled away.

"Keep quiet." he sat properly and cleared his throat. "I have spent the night watching videos to help you walk again. But first I need to know a few things.."

"Oh that quick?"

"Yes." he nodded nervously

"But I think that I should rest som-"

"No, we will start practicing and we will begin right after breakfast. Now tell me, were you born that way I mean due to lack of calcium or something or was it due to an accident or such?"

"lack of calcium? You suck. But no... I wasn't born that way as far as I remember at least. My father used to tell me that I got bullied at school and one day they went so far." I shook my head.

"I hate bullies. I know how you feel.." he looked away.

"Were you bullied as well Yugi?" I attempted to hold his hand but he quickly escaped. Could it be that he's mad at me for the kiss?

"It doesn't matter.. Have you ever had any surgeries? Do you take any medications that strengthens your bones and muscles?" he keeps going ignoring what just happened. I lowkey wanna kiss him again.

"Yeah I had a surgery.. They implanted an epidural electrical stimulation so I could walk again but I couldn't. And yes Anzu used to give me a few pills each morning with apple juice. But it never made me feel any better."

"You know what Yami? I don't really trust that Anzu. We'll have to consult a doctor to give you better medications if you needed." He smiled reassuringly. "Last but not least.. Have you ever tried practicing without doctors before?"

"No...maybe a little after the surgery if that counts because I was forced into it."

"What?? Are you serious? Why Yami?" He looked at me with pure concern.

"I didn't want to. I gave up after the first time" I looked down on my rejected hand.

"I... But why? I am sure you want to walk again and do everything you want to do! I will help you. You have to trust me Yami!"

Lovesick (Puzzleshipping)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora