Chapter #5

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Yugi's POV.

It has been two weeks now since the incident.. And to be honest I began to feel guilty. It's my fault that I lied and I owe Yami an apology. But, something is missing. Why did he react the way he did when he saw me? Did we meet before? Could it be...? Haha don't be an idiot Yugi. "THIS IS FRUSTRATING AAAAH! I SHOULD SAY SORRY AT LEAST. " I place my hands over my mouth realizing that I was thinking a little too loud hehe.

I rolled over my bed and grabbed my phone. I was about to text Yami but I decided to call instead. It's much easier to know how is the person feeling when you hear their voice.


Was all I heard...

"H-hello..? Yami?" I decided to break the awkward silence between us.

"Hey, Yugi." He finally spoke.

"Look Yami, I wanted to say I am really sorry for ly-" I was cut off.

"It's fine. I am sorry for speaking to you rudely back then. As you may have noticed I wasn't feeling well." He said. The last part was more like a whisper.

"It's okay, well h-how about meeting you again to fix what happened the last time? Only if you want."

"Sounds fine to me. Are you free next Saturday?" said Yami.

"Hmm.. Let me think . . . No Yami! of course not! weekends are the busiest for me." I huffed.

"Right, sorry! How about tomorrow?" Yami chuckled.

He chuckled.

"I d-don't mind I will c-come to..morrow. Bye!!"


What the... Well goodnight world.

Yami's POV.

He hung up on me? No, lwait did he just hung up on me??

I laid down on bed and looked out of the window. The moon looked pale and wan, as if it shouldn't be up on a night like this. My heart ached at the sight, I closed my eyes and drifted to a long sleep.

Two days later.

Anzu's POV.

I made my way to Yami's room and shoved the doors open.

"Yami get up I have some great news~"

"What do you want? Why did you enter without
knocking? "

"Your uncle is visiting us yayyyy~ isn't that amazing?? "


"YES!!" I squealed in excitement.

Yami's POV.


"Why?" was all I wanted to know.

I lay down in my bed willing to go back to sleep.. But then I remembered something important. What day is it today?



"I have to call Yugi." I mumble to myself and nervously grab my phone.

"Sorry, the number you are trying to reach is currently busy."


After 37 tries.

"I give up. So what if he sees him? It is what it is."

I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." I sigh, guess I'm not going to sleep anytime soon.

"Yamiiiiii~ it's time to meet your uncle!! Don't be shy." said Anzu while grabbing my wheelchair.

"What? He's here already??" I gulped.

Without any warnings she grabs my arms and sets me in the wheelchair.

"W-wait!! Who said that I want to go down!?"

"You don't wanna miss the fun fufufu~"



I am really really sorry for the short chapter and the late update! I have had a shit load of exams!! Plus I haven't been motivated to write anything yet even though I have the whole plot ready in my head. Gahh I will try to update more often before school starts! Please show some love in the comments if you like this story so far. It really motivates me to continue.


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