Chapter #8

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Yugi's POV.

"Well.. That's crazy Yugi! But if he's a friend of yours, I don't mind having him as a guest for as long as it takes the poor guy to recover." Said grandpa

"Thank you so much!! I love you grandpa! You are doing me a big favor!" I guess I was really excited. But concerned.

"Love ya too. By the way there's a little box on the table for you. I don't know the sender but yeah now that you returned safely I can continue working.." he said while yawning which sounded funny.

"Okay. Have fun with the cards!!" hmm a little box? I'd rather open it in my room.

Now I'm sitting on the floor of my room, slowly opening that heavy box. It's definitely too heavy for a small box. "shit." that's a big amount of money!! "What the heck!? That box ain't mine!" I noticed Yami shifting in bed. "s-sorry.. I'll be quiet." I mumbled. There was a letter on top of the money. I'm sure I have to read it.

"Dear Yugi Muto, use this money to take good care of Yami. And if he ever asked you about his stay at your place, give him the second letter you'll find. Do not ever tell him anything about what happened.

"That girl is mysterious indeed.." I sighed. I was about to read the second letter.

"What girl?" The voice of Yami snapped me out of my thoughts. shit. I guess I was thinking out loud..

"It's nothing to worry about Yami. Tell me how do you feel both emotionally and physically?" I put the box in the closet and sat on the bed beside him.

"I don't know.. Emotionally I feel like I am on the verge of crying but there's nothing to cry about.. Physically I have headaches and I don't remember this place.. I don't really remember much of everything. I feel like I was hit on the head and my memory was erased." he seemed to be really sad.

"You don't have to remember this place because you've never been here before." I chuckled. "Let me explain.." I cleared up my throat trying to be careful not to give too much information like the doctor said.

"So I am Yugi Muto, I am 16 years old, I work in a pizza restaurant as a part time job besides school. That's how I actually met you! And we were supposed to hang out but like you said you were hit on the head. But I took you to the hospital and now you are at my place so I can look after you."

"So you're that weird pizza guy who messed up my order?? Well I forgive you on that since you helped me." He smiled at me. I really want to see him smile more often.

"I didn't want to mention that but I am sorry, it was a silly mistake."

But soon that smile faded. "But.. Why am I at your place? I should be home by now my father is going to worry about me. What time is it? Does he know we were hanging out? I don't remember much of the events."

"Y-yes he knows! I visited you at your house and he opened the door for me actually! But he got an emergency call and had to go somewhere. Then it all happened and I didn't really like the maid you had so I decided to bring you here.." I am really sorry. I don't want to lie to you again but it's for the best.

" Yeah.. That makes sense. Nobody really likes Anzu. She's freaking creepy. It's good my father is not around I don't really want him to constantly worry about me...But Yugi what's that in your hand?" Oh yes I almost forgot I was about to read the letter Mana left for him.

"Uhm yes it's a letter for you." I handed it to him hoping she didn't say anything that contradicts what I've just said.

"Dear Yami, I've heard about the small accident, I truly wish I could be there for you. But I hope you are doing well in Yugi's place. You might not remember much about him but he's a good guy and will take good care of you. I'm here to tell you that the family has gone to Egypt for a serious issue. I don't want to give in much details.. You must be tired and not feeling well. But I promise everything will be ok. Oh and by the way he does not know about your little secret yet. Nobody but you can tell him if you didn't tell him from the beginning. Take care.. Love you, Mana."

He finished reading and stared at me with a sad expression.. What could his little secret be? I won't ask. I don't want to pressure. I held his hand to assure him. " If you don't want to tell me, it's totally fine don't worry. But please what's up with that sad face.. It kills me to see you sad." He looked away on hearing my words.

"It's fine. I need to take a shower first.. I feel like I stink." that's a weird way to change the topic.

"Y-yes. I actually don't let anyone use my private bathroom but I won't let you do much effort to make it to the one downstairs." I smiled shyly. So why does he keep looking at me that way. His eyes say a lot but I can't put my finger on it. "Do you need some help? are you physically too tired to get up?"

"Yes Yugi.." he nodded. I put his arm around my shoulder and held him tightly I like being this close to him actually.. For some reason he is really special to me. But as soon as we got up we fell back down. My heart bounded in my chest when I heard Yami moan in pain.

"Yami are you alright??" I looked at him with concern only to find him crying. "Yami..." I was about to say something.

"You see Yugi... That's my 'little secret' I am weak.. And helpless. You should just get me back home. Anzu will handle me. You have your school, Your work, and your friends. I can't be a burden to you. I am sorry.." I've never seen him crying. It really breaks my heart. At that point I was ready to give up on everything except him.

"No Yami! I would never leave you like th-"

"CAN'T YOU SEE?? I am disabled Yugi. I can't walk! I can't even take a stupid shower on my own! I'm just helpless!" That was enough. I had to do something before he feels even worse. If he weren't feeling even worse already. I grabbed him in a tight hug. I don't care about anything else.

" Yami Sennen. I am ready to quit my job to be here for you. Summer break begins in a week and I don't mind taking that week off. But stop the nonsense! You are the strongest person I have ever met. You are not a burden to me and I promise you, you will walk again! And I will help you do that!" and I really meant everything I said. He didn't reply. But he slowly calmed down.

"I am hungry though." I didn't want him to leave my hug. But that's fine. At least he's ok. ¬_¬

"Well I am sure grandpa will be making dinner in a few. Until then do you still want to take a shower? I can help you out if you want." I said blushing at the thought. I can't imagine seeing him shirtless. Let alone n..a....ked my face went red at the thought.

"Are you ok with that? I mean you can just fill in the bathtub I can handle myself." he smiled weakly.

"Yes sure." I gulped when he took off his shirt. I think I am having a huge crush on Yami Sennen.

A few hours later.

"Did you enjoy the food?" I smiled at him. It was pretty hard to help him take a warm bath. My face was bloody red the entire time but it wasn't as bad as I expected.

"Yes it was great. But is your grandfather annoyed we didn't eat downstairs?" He frowned a bit.

"No he's fine with it. Do you have to worry all the time Yami??" I chuckled.

"You are right. I am so tired though.. I want to sleep forever." he sank down on bed. And that's when I decided to get up.

"Where are you going??" he titled his head at me.

"I will sleep on the couch beside you. Don't worry, if you needed anything just call me." I heard him huff in frustration.

"For someone who saw me naked about an hour ago shouldn't be embarrassed to sleep by my side. Plus it's your bed, I'm the one who has to sleep on the couch. Yugi I feel comfortable when you are close to me. I don’t know but I really feel like I know you for years." I couldn't help but blush.

At some point I feel the same way.. He looks so familiar.

" Fine." I smiled.

"Goodnight." he smiled back.

"Goodnight Yami." I lied down beside him. Keeping a distance healthy as could be. I tried to pretend that everything was normal but it never worked out. This is going to be a sleepless night.

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