Chapter #7

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Yugi's POV.

You shouldn't be freaking out now Yugi.. You need to do something. Focus. Focus... "Do you need some help here?" I heard a feminine voice mumble while rushing towards them wearing a long purple cloak. I couldn't see her. "who are you??" I replied while moving towards her. "You have to trust me. I care about Yami and his father. Now take him and go through the back door before the police arrives! Take him to the hospital at once! I'll handle this situation. Please I count on you. And by the way call me Mana." she said in a very serious manner. I nodded and tried to move Yami. What's the deal with that wheelchair? Was he tied onto it when the crime happened? Why can he hardly put his feet on the ground? Is it because he's unconscious? Ah Yami you're kinda heavy for me..
But I have to believe her. We have no other choices.. Yami please hold out.

We were a few blocks away from the mansion and I could actually hear the police sirens get closer.

Three hours later.

"This is a very serious condition. Can you tell us more about how it's happened?" Said the doctor. "Well, my cousin uhm er.. Atem. witnessed our best friend's suicide which explains the blood they found on his shirt indeed.. And he couldn't bear it. But I don't know.. Will he be ok doctor?"
"I'm afraid your relative is suffering from amnesia due to the shock. His physical condition is not that bad so he'd better rest in bed at home for a better mental treatment. I'll write down what you have to buy and I'll give you my number to update me on his condition." I slowly nodded at his words.

"Until then, please head to the reception and wait for an adult family member to fill in all the forms." shoot. What am I supposed to do now?? I'm not even a family member of his let alone an adult! And he's not called Atem.. There's no way I can fill those forms to get him out of here. But it's worth the effort. Anything for you Yami..

I quickly headed down to the receptionist. "Hey.. Um well a few hours ago I came here with my unconscious cousin and.." I was about to finish my sentence when she interrupted. "Oh yeah I remember you guys. Hold on a sec. Well.. Yup! Mr Atem Sennen right?" she leaned over to look at me closely. "Yes.. yes ma'am." what the..?

"Ah well young man you both look like a pair of twins not cousins hehe."



"Ok but can we get back to the subject??" I huffed in frustration.

"I'm sorry ah well all the forms have been filled and signed and he'll be sent home this evening by an ambulance to the address written here. Hope he gets well soon!" at that point I couldn't understand what's happening anymore. Like I could understand what's happened already. Stupid Yugi. How could the doctors release him in that case? Who signed the forms? Could it be the work of that mysterious girl? I don't know but all I know is that I am never leaving him.

Back in Yami's room.

"You up?" I slowly got closer to him and sat on the bedside keeping a healthy distance between us.

"Who are you?.. My head hurts so much.. Ugh my body is sore..."

"Don't worry, I am a good friend who will take care of you until you get better." I smiled softly at him

"What's your name, friend? And what are we doing here?" he returned it with a weak smile but it was enough.

"I am Yugi.. You needn't worry about here. We'll leave soon it's just that you fell and gotten a bit sick. You'll be fine I promise you."

"Yugi is a good name. I am Yami.. Hey, I don't know you but I trust you Yugi. You look familiar to me and you sound familiar too.." He mumbled as he sank more in bed.

"Maybe that's because we look alike? Seriously you are like the twin I've never had!! Except that you are much more handsome and hot. ..s-sorry" I blushed deeply and returned my head towards him. But he was fast asleep. Thank god he didn't hear me. I decided to sit on a chair instead and lay my head on the bedside instead. I don't remember what happened next but I felt asleep too.

Two hours later.

I woke up to find the doctor and a few nurses roaming the room. "I am sorry I fell asleep.."

"Hey. It's fine kid. Well about your relative I have to tell you a few things you'll have to keep in mind if you want him to get better." the doctor said.

"Yes sir.. I am down for anything." I was really down for anything just to help Yami. I don't know why but I am getting attached to that guy.

*doctor's blabbing instructions*

"Ok sir.. We will do the best we can to help him.."


Ugh... Time is passing like a turtle. "Is that where you live?" said the driver. Wait.. That light.. It's the game shop!! Yami is staying with me?? Thank you. Thank you Mana.. "Y-yes sir." he didn't reply, he just parked in and all the other events came so quickly. Soon Yami was in my room, on my bed and I guess I am sleeping on the couch tonight but I'd do anything for his comfort. But first I have something to deal with.

"Yugi why is there an unconscious stranger who looks like you in your room?? Have you committed a crime?" said grandpa while rubbing his beard.

"N-no of course not! Here I'll tell you everything." I sighed


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