I can't hold back my emotions now, I feel on the verge of tears again

"Namjoon I'm really glad I got to be in a room with you, I missed you. About a year ago we made up a secret handshake because we were so close. You even lused to ask me for hugs." I say wistfully, remembering with a small smile

"How did the handshake go?" RM asks me softly, shrinking into himself a little bit and blushing lightly

I smile wider to reassure him and get up from the couch, slinking over to the bed and getting comfortable in front of him

"It went like this." I say as I grab his right hand, slapping it forwards and backwards on mine and then poking his dimple and saying "JamJoon!"

He seems shocked for a second before his face cracks into a smile and he lets out a sharp laugh

"That was our secret handshake?" He says in between giggles

"You seemed to like it when you made it up." I sass, studying his face for his reaction to my playfulness

He stops laughing and studies me to see if I'm lying. Seeing I'm not, he blushes

"Can we practise it once?" He asks cutely, scratching the back of his neck, seeming embarrassed

"Of course" I answer and hold out my hand, slapping the inside and outside of his with mine lightly before poking his dimple while he pokes mine

He retracts his hand from near my face and sits it in his lap, looking at his hands

"Once I called ourselves the Dimple Squad and you wouldn't talk to me for a week" I confess with a childlike smile gracing my features, gently trying to get him to be less shy around me

"And once I couldn't sleep so you let me sleep in your bed and we hugged the whole night." He blushes and closes his eyes tightly, letting a slight groan out of his throat

"I'm not telling you to embarrass you or anything, I just wanted you to know that even in the life you don't remember you were a lovely person. You always looked out for me." I clarify, looking at the pale pink haired and cheeked man in front of me fondly

"I used to be the one you'd come to for affection. I'd just look at you and know. You're so bad at asking I just learned to know when to hug you." I ramble, feeling my cheeks heat up at the love in my tone

"Like right now, you don't want me to hug you. You want me to move back to the couch or go home because I'm saying too much." I say sadly

"I'm gonna go to sleep now RM." I say, respecting his boundaries and scooting off of the bed ungracefully, plopping onto the couch

I can't believe I'm sleeping with my bra and jeans on, but you gotta do what you gotta do

"Remember what I said. If you're uncomfortable I'm out." I say quietly through a yawn before curling up and getting comfy on the expensive looking couch

"Goodnight Namjoon." I whisper right as I'm drifting off

"Night Jamie." I hear his deep voice reply and then I'm out


The brightness shines through my eyelids as I start to wake up

I don't wanna open my eyes but I feel the need to when I hear hushed voices close to me

"Are you sure it's her and she's not some creep?" I hear a small voice say

"I'm sure, how could she know stuff we don't even know about eachother? Secrets we haven't told anyone?" V argues, seeming mad at the distrust

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