(Fat Beatles) Balloon SuperBeatles

Começar do início

John was laughing his head off, as he never thought that his teammate's power would be released in such a funny way. 

"How will you show your power though John?"

John responded by using sign language as to not raise suspicion; he took out a balloon and blew into it, later imitating a sumo as what will happen to the rogue models.

"Ah I see what you're doing there! Haha!" Ringo laughed. "Where's Paul and George though?"

"I guess we'll wait and see then.." And the 2 fat superheros trudged to the village which the rogue models threatened to destroy.

Meanwhile, the cult of rogue models were preparing their attack when Paul and George showed up, being the studs they were in the real world. Since these models found them both exceptionally hot, they happily took them in as modelling critics while ferociously flirting with them. Even through all this, while Paul was gladly lapping up the female attention, he had his goal in his mind, so he and George with their inborn power to transmit thought, exchanged thoughts on how to turn on these girls:

"George, where do you reckon the other 2 are?"

"Allan said something about a village right? That's our best bet."

When the cult of models arrived at the village, they held the hostage women at the point of threatening to unleash a grenade on them, and demanded:

"Will you be part of our modelling empire?"


"I could blow all of you up now, but I'll be nice for these guys' sake. Now tell me handsomes, how would you rate me out of 10?"

Paul and George rated: "I'd rate you a 7 out of 10, and we know just the things to FIX it!" With that they transformed into their Superbeatle selves and Paul sprayed water all over the rogues from within his stomach while George farted out a bunch of blueberry juice all over them. While the rogues were busy recovering from the shock of the blindside, Paul and George released the hostages and they all ran back to their homes.

After the rogue models recovered, they were furious over how Paul and George blindsided them, leading to them running out of their hiding place and chasing after the hostages, ready to kill them. But George saw them ready so he called:

"Ringo, your power NOW!"

So Ringo got into his sumo squat, lifted his arms and wrapped them around his head, before proceeding to release all the helium from his armpit helium vents in an epic sumo soutenu. It worked like a charm, as now none of the grenades or nukes could explode. (Don't tell me it's impractical; I know it isn't, it's just my mind in a whimsy :p)

Having lost their weapons, the rogue models, now enraged, ran after the Superbeatles. However, they were no match for the hot air John, who proceeded to give a mouth to mouth to each rogue, transferring all the hot air and blubber to them, leaving them to float into space, never to be seen again.

As John floated back down, the Superbeatles all cheered for their victory, while the village women thanked the fat superheros for their heroism. 

"No sweat love, we're just lending a hand." Paul smiled at the women.

In that moment, Allan contacted the Superbeatles again through John's watch, and the voice boomed:

"How's your process Superbeatles? Over."

"It's good Allan, we've accomplished the mission with great success! Over."

"Excellent, meet me back at the Balloon Superhuman Headquarters. Over and out."

Soon they were back in the headquarters with their suits on, and Allan came out to address them.

"Congratulations Superbeatles, for your exceptional sense of strategy, intelligence and capability for combat. If it wasn't for you, the rural populations would be in danger right now! Thank you, you are dismissed." And he left.

"Your pleasure, at your service." They said in unison before they returned in their regular forms  to their original spot in the cafe where they left off.

"Man, all that blueberry spraying made me hungry!" George chirped. "I'm craving a blueberry pancake right now!"

"Of course you're hungry George, you always are!" John joked. "Not that I blame you though, that mission was exhausting! Ma'am, may I please have 1 blueberry pancake, a big plate of brownies and 4 cups of cookie dough ice creams? Thank you!"

As the waitress left, Paul said: "For that mission, the treats are TOTALLY worth it!" 

"Yeah," Ringo laughed. "That sumo soutenu was by far, the funniest thing I did on mission!" And they all laughed about that moment.

Soon the goodies arrived, and they all ate till they were as ballooned as their Superbeatle counterparts. "Let's just keep this form forever, to remind ourselves of our roles as the fat superheros hey?" John suggested.

"GO SUPERBEATLES!" And they all laughed about their fat and superheroness now being a part of their lives.

Beatles OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora