(Beatlettes) Sleeping Beauty Ballet (Part 2)

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In the month leading up to the audition, the Beatlettes all did a ballet boot camp as did their men. While it was a piece of cake for Paulina, Georgina, Conner and Patrick, it was particularly intense for Regina and Maurice, as they had to stretch those ancient joints in order to properly do the classic moves. 

"Ok, so everyone, do your arabesque in counts of four!" Paulina instructed. "One, two three- Riri, Mo, what are you doing?" Regina and Maurice were still stretching their joints when Paulina barked at them. 

"Just trying to stretch so that we don't break our legs before the audition.." 

"No matter, I'll work with you two one on one later yeah? Now let's try and join everybody else in the steps yeah? You don't want to miss out on the main moves which could be called out in the ballet, yeah?" 

"You're right." 

"C'mon let's go then!" 

With that they all began with the numerous ballet workshops. Through all this, the proficient ballerinas and danseurs helped the remaining Beatlettes and guys who were a little more amatuerish, leading to better teamwork as the workshops went on. It was a matter of weeks before Regina, Johanna, Jonathan and Maurice began picking up their paces and were soon about as good as the others. 

"I never thought I could do this, but look at me pirouette!" Regina chirped as she did a twirl for the other Beatlettes to see. 

"Yes, but can you do a grand jeté?" Johanna teased as she leapt across the room. 

"Let's see how strong you can be!" Jonathan and Maurice said in unison as they took turns trying to lift Regina the same way Conner and Patrick did Johanna and Georgina. 

"Alright, everybody! I just gave Madame Kristie a call, and she'll want to run through a trial dance for us to make sure we're well equipped for our audition, yeah?" Paulina announced.

The Tuesday before the audition, the Beatlettes and their boyfriends showed up to Paulina and Georgina's old ballet school, where Madame Kristie was waiting for them. Alongside her was the resident orchestra responsible for the backing music for each act. Naturally, Paulina and Georgina excitedly embraced their former ballet mistress, whereas everybody else marveled at the complexity of the orchestra and music played. 

"Now, in case Paulina didn't tell you lot already, we're going to do a trial dance," boomed Madame Kristie. "In this case, I'll teach all of you a simplified version of the Swan Lake finale, and you will all later perform it to music." 

"The Swan Lake finale, as in the part where Odette and Siegfried kill themselves to break the spell?" inquired Johanna. 

"Yes, that scene." 

"That one part never failed to make me emotional, but I'll try my best to perform it without bursting to tears.." Georgina and Patrick sighed. 

"You'd better," Madame Kristie said sternly. "As you can't afford to get too emotional on the stage in a real production or else it's a disaster. Positions, everyone!"

Soon the trial was underway; Madame Kristie taught the 8 of them the steps, though not without hiccups, as Regina had a couple of slip ups with her soutenus, and Jonathan initially mistook the dance between Odette and Siegfried as a waltz, but after some correction from the senior ballerina and guidance from the more proficient Beatlette ballerinas along with the more proficient danseurs, all of them were able to perform that dance without a hitch. So Madame Kristie got the orchestra to play the accompanying music to that particular act, and much to her delight, the Beatlettes and their men performed flawlessly, even Maurice and Regina, who had only been exposed to ballet under Paulina just weeks before.

"I'm very impressed by all of your efforts and especially your rendition of the Swan Lake finale," commended Madame Kristie. Judging by tonight alone, I believe all of you will do exceptionally well in the audition, and subsequently, the performance. Good luck!" With that, they all embraced Madame Kristie one more time, and the Beatlettes with their boyfriends pondered what they can expect in their upcoming audition while gushing over each other's performances.

"I'm impressed with how you danced tonight Regina! I mean considering you only knew about ballet and had 3 weeks to go over it, it's really impressive, I'm not sure I could've done it if I were you!" Georgina gushed. 

"You too Jo, I loved the expression you put into your dancing! It was as though you embodied Odette's pain or something, you'd make an amazing Aurora in that audition!" Paulina affirmed. 

"Oh please! Maybe in terms of ballet skills, but Aurora's a blonde, I look like a ginger!" Johanna sheepishly mumbled. 

"Don't say that Jo, I would love to be the Phillip to your Aurora," Conner suddenly butted in. "Now all we gotta do is not worry about how we'll go and just give it our all, right ladies and gents?" They all nodded in agreement. And so all 8 of them went home, to think about their audition and get themselves in the right frame of mind for it.


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