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What is Levi up to now? Is he serious about joining the Survey Corps?

The military surely did capture us, and now we are locked up in our hideout by Captain Erwin himself, and he is giving Levi to decide on the offer. If he refuses to join the Survey Corps, they will be turned in and I will be exiled. If he accepts, he will be forced to bring Farlan and Isabel along with him to join the military and I will be abandoned in the Underground District. Either way, I am going to suffer alone.

"Levi, what'd you mean when you said you'd join the Survey Corps?" Farlan finally asked him. "Are you actually plotting something?"

"I plan to get closer to that eyebrow blondie." Levi hissed through his clenched teeth. "I'll kill him as soon as I get the chance."

The three of us were scared shitless since Levi was thinking out loud, afraid that Erwin might've heard him.

"Aniki..." Isabel seemed nervous. "Do we have to join the military?"

"What are you afraid of Isabel? Didn't you say you want to go to the surface?" Levi asked in a harsh tone. "I'm not fucking around this time. We're going to get out of this shithole and live on the surface."

"You don't understand, Levi." Farlan steps in for Isabel, including me. "We are criminals as well, but why is Sina the only one being targeted?"

"Because this case is about her, not us. We're being baited because of her." Levi decided to come after me and I honestly felt betrayed, so Farlan tried to talk him out of the nonsense.

"Why are you blaming Sina!? We're all in the wrong here! We're just unlucky, okay!?" Farlan convinced him. "You remember what Sina told us, right? The surface is nothing like we dreamed of. It's just another hell waiting for us..."

"Why are you suddenly defending her? Do you actually pity her that much?" Levi then scoffed at him. "I assume you already have feelings for her?"

Farlan blushes in embarrassment, but he only sees me as a sister. "I only care about her because she needs our help. It's not right for us to just abandon her here. You should've just agreed to turn us all in for our crimes." he indirectly explains how selfish Levi is.

"Are you an idiot? Why would I want to agree to that?" Levi decides to argue against him once again. "Sina needs to learn how to defend herself. If she can't do that, then she is not worth the time. The right choice for us is to join the military and move on with our lives."

"You are making no sense, Aniki..." Isabel seems saddened, almost in tears. "We can't leave Sina..."

I gently brushed my hand up against her back to comfort her, and in her eyes, she noticed the sadness in my orbs as well. "It's okay. I will continue to fight for myself. Once I become stronger, I will catch up to you guys and join the military."

Levi is no longer keeping his hopes up, so he shrugs it all off. "We'll see about that."

"So when we join the military, do we have to help you kill Erwin?" Isabel asked out of curiosity, but she didn't sound confident.

"I will do it alone," Levi replied, but Farlan was slowly giving in.

"Fine, we'll follow your plan. But don't try and get us involved. We don't want to make the situation even worse than it already is."

I started to understand why Levi was refusing to bring me along because he didn't fully trust me yet. Not only that, but he also doesn't want me to relive the horrifying memories of my past. He is doing this for my safety, but they don't know that.

"I may not be as skilled as you three, but I refuse to let you guys go." I finally confessed. "I... don't want to be alone, but I'll manage."

Farlan and Isabel truly feel sorry for me, and also sorry for themselves. Suddenly, Levi walked up to me, our eyes locked together and the tensions grew strong until he spoke softly.

"Lend me your hand."

I didn't want to follow his orders, but, I did so anyway because I was curious to know why he wanted me to do it.

Looking down, Levi takes my hand to place a pocket knife into my own and I stare at it for a moment. "Why are you giving this to me? Isn't this important to you?"

"Yes, but I want you to have it for now. Consider it as a charm from me." Levi gave up his favorite knife to gift it to me as a resemblance of him. "Prove to me that you are capable of defending yourself, and once we meet again, I will need my knife back."

"We'll be waiting for you, sis." Isabel smiles but her eyes are still hurt, so I try to smile back confidently. "I promise... I will meet you guys on the surface, and possibly join the military as well."

"That means we can fight titans together!" Farlan starts seeing the bright side, but Levi is hesitant. "We will wait patiently for you."

I will not only fight alongside them but also find my true self. Suddenly, the front door knocks loudly and it was Mike's voice from the other side. "Time is up! Stop the chit-chat and come out!"

Levi slowly lets go of my hand so I can grasp the knife with care and he leans over to whisper against my left ear. His cool breath sent shivers down my spine and made my skin crawl, but I remained still.


That was Levi's final word to me and out the door, they went.

Farlan and Isabel waved at me one last time, but Levi never stole a glance back at me.

Then, the military sends them off to the surface.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now