They Will Rise

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"Okay... let's make a plan."

"Any ideas?"

"We're both powerful," Rory said firmly, "we just need to fight our way out of here, live to see another day. We can get help from somewhere, maybe-"

Suddenly, Rory remembered something.

"Oh, my God. The astral plane..." Rory whispered in realization, shocked that she had forgotten about it. Her head snapped over to the girl with wide eyes.


"The astral plane! One time when we needed details of a memory, right? And Eliphas used my memory and the astral plane to create a scene in front of us. I was able to manipulate the memory, and it changed the course of actions since then," Rory rambled frantically, pacing the room in thought.

"Rory..." Valery began carefully, overwhelmed by the information, "that's not something you can do with just anyone. It needs to be an oracle. It's your mind that gave him access to that. Did Eliphas not mention that?"

"No, he left that detail out," Rory rolled her eyes, unsure of why he didn't mention that, "it makes sense, though. If it could be just anyone, then nothing bad would ever happen here, and I know oracles are rare... so, it makes sense that it doesn't happen often. Guess it's a good thing I'm not dead, then. Because we need to do this or else we're dead too."

"How can we be sure it'll work? How do we even do that? Rory that goes against every rule this place has. If the sheer force of that doesn't kill us, we'll be killed by everyone else in Thera!" Valery exclaimed stressfully, shaking her head at the crazy plan.

"I know, I know it sounds completely crazy, but it could work! We have to try!" Rory pushed enthusiastically.

"But we need a witch for that, don't we? That's how Eliphas did it," Valery began, deep in thought, pacing slightly, "tell me exactly how he did it."

"Well, he grabbed my hands, and I don't know... I didn't see him do much of anything, to be honest, but I figured he was doing something non-verbally. It felt like I was just thrown back into my mind. Then, I was able to walk around in my memory and change it," Rory explained lamely. Valery stared at her incredulously for a moment.

"Rory, he didn't do anything," she informed her slowly.


"We had to study oracles in the coven. They wanted us to know everything about our history. Oracles can do everything you just said. I don't know if he even used the astral plane. It sounds like he just wanted to be there in the memory," Valery figured, narrowing her eyes. "Your power comes from your mind. You were able to go into your mind, find the memory, and manipulate it. Eliphas just went along for the ride."

"Why didn't he tell me, then?" Rory questioned in confusion, not understanding any of this. "Why would he lie?"

"He must be hiding something, I guess," Valery shrugged before backpedaling. "You can change the memory of what just happened yourself. We don't need Eliphas or anyone for this!"

"There is something I should tell you," Rory began hesitantly. "When I came out of it, I was weak. I could hardly move. I don't know if that would happen again."

"It makes sense; it surely can't be easy on your mind, I suppose. The sheer force of that is bound to kill one of us, and it could destroy your mind," Valery admitted, her eyes wandering as she tried to think of a solution, "but I think it was the fact that you went through your own memory, I think it was too much for you to handle."

"I don't care! We need them."

"Rory! You're not hearing me. You could die! This isn't easy, and we can't just fix this with the snap of our fingers."

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