Epilogue: All Things End

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So here we are, at the end, it was a great journey and I was glad to share it with you all. I might play in the walking universe again in the future or not, or you all can.. tell me if you do so i read it though. lol. enjoy people


"Ink. Ink please come out of your room," Dream called once again knocking on his long time friends door, once again silence cam from the room.

Sighing he leaned against the wood, feeling upset and hurt that Ink was just ignoring everything.

Everything had.. changed, since Error reset.

The worlds colliding had finally stopped, no longer in danger of pulling the rest of the multiverse down with them.

He hated to think about it, was because Ink wasn't creating new AU's anymore... more like not able to anymore.

"Ink.. don't do this," he whispered.

The lock glowed with magic for a moment.


He sighed in relief and slipped inside, the windows ere closed with thick curtains keeping the light away. There was dust everywhere, even on Ink's paintbrush which looked like it hadn't been used in months.

Ink himself was face down in his bed unmoving, looking like he wasn't washed in weeks.

Which he hadn't.

"Ink... just because you can't create Au's anymore doesn't mean its the end," Dream said, gently sitting on the edge of the bed.

"When.. Error reset, he was no longer the destroyer, Somehow it locked fate away, and since we were balanced... I'm no longer the Creator. What use am I, if I can't do what I was created to do," Ink said depressed, rolling over to face him.

"Just because your not a Creator, doesn't mean you not a creator," Dream said, grabbing Inks paintbrush and gently placing in the others hands.

For the First time in six months Ink smiled.


Fate raged and Destiny sulked, somehow they had been locked out of all the Undertale multiverses.

The One wouldn't unlock it either, saying they brought it upon themselves.

Dreaerm laughed as he dreamed the eternal dream, those two really shouldn't have played with the mortals.

After all, the greatest gift was freewill.

Who knew all it would take was a reset.


Has it really been six months?

Blue sighed as he packed away his gear for the day. six months since Error was reset, his friend was gone. Since then things had been quiet, even the Dark Sans. Sure things would heat up again, but hopefully no more AU destruction as there would be no more new ones unless they somehow naturally spawn.

"Huh?" he said, what he had just picked up wasn't part of his gear.

It was a doll, or rather a puppet.. of himself.

With that he ran, ran home knowing he had to get there now.

His slammed into his house, sliding to a stop in his living room.

Two figures sat on his cough, a Papyrus and....

"Error!" he cried tears coming from his. There on the Papyrus lap was the reset Error, looking about three years old now. Right, time was wonky in that timeline.

"Blueberry," the mini Error said.

"Go ahead," Blessedtale Papyrus said, taking the permission Blue grabbed the smaller Skeleton in a hug.

"I might not rewember everything, but I rewember my fwend," Error whispered.


Walking backwards in my footstepsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora