Chapter Nine: Counting Down

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Another quick update for you all

If there was one thing the multiverse could depend on, it was a few things.

Fate was a bitch.

Destiny was blind.

Dream Slept, forever keeping the dreams of the multiverse moving.

Luck or choice could be good, but could also roll a snake eyes.

And death kept on going on vacation to avoid there bickering, leaving it to the Avatars of Death to pick up the slack.

Reaper Sans was very annoyed at that last one.

He barely had time to visit Geno in the spare seconds he had free.

Life only patted him on the back in understanding.

Which meant right now he was very annoyed, eh kept getting mass collections appearing then vanishing as AU's crumbled into the void.

Unlike the others, Reaper knew the cause was not Error as his list always gave the cause of death.

Not that the others actually paid attention when he told them.


'Multiverse over created and over crowded' was a new one though.

What concerned him were three names on his list that glowed, showing they might still be removed depending on what happened.



And above them was Error.

"What's Fate game this time," he said to himself.


"Wanna pway," Error sulked from in Papyrus arms, looking quiet bored.

"Now come on bro, I'd teleport us but I've never been on the surface before," Papyrus said kissing his forehead.

Blueberry blinked as the scene suddenly jumped, a moment ago he'd been watching Papy trying to get the rather energetic Error to sleep.

"Watcha doing?" a voice piped up, from behind him.

Blue blinked and spun around, standing there just like in the memory was the baby bones version of Error. Or rather not a memory, but the avatar of Errors past self.

"Your Sans right, the past version of Error?" Blue asked.

"Yup Yup Yup," the child chirped.

"Do you know where Error is, we have to make sure the body reset doesn't destroy you both," Blue asked hopefully, a frown appeared on the baby bones face.

"Don wanna pway that again, bad bad BAD!" Baby Error cried.

Blue fell again.


Dream didn't know what to think, Nightmare was in Outertale and in Outers house from the feel of it.

Yet.. there was no fighting, no rage.. just worry.

Of course Ink just barged in, once again forgetting the thing called manners.

Right, another manners intervention it was once they had time.

"Wheres Blues!" Stretch demanded, the bro-con he was. "As his Blueberry bro-con senses said his brother was near.

"This is such a bad idea, Classic said sauntering in.

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