Chapter Eleven: Remember Me

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All that's left After this is the Epilogue, let me say now thank you all for following along the journey of Walking


It was strange, other then looking into a mirror one really shouldn't be able to face themselves.

But with situations like this, one had to face themselves.

"Choices... we never had much choices," Error whispered.

"But this time its ours," Mini Error said poking the memory ground with a stick.

"We could finally go home," Error said, since the reset began.. all those wonderful memories.

"But Blue... Nightmare and the others," Child Error said sadly.

"The universe is never fair, because Fates a bitch," Error said, the memory around them changed to endless white of the anti-void.

"But... I want Papy," Baby Error cried.

"I know.. but.. we have to make a choice. On whats Easy or on whats right," Error said gritting his teeth.


"Why am i going through them?" Ink asked bewildered, he'd quickly tried to interact with the mini Error and papyrus to literally go through them.

"Um.. Ink?" Stretch said, he'd been trying to get the Creator attention since they all appeared in the memory. Papyrus and Error were enjoying a picnic, and Stretch wished he could eat some as he was getting rather hungry.

"What is it Stretch, I'm trying to figure out why I can't interact with this AU," Ink said frustrated.

"Ink, this is a memory. Were literally in Error's memories," Classic said rubbing his forehead.

"What!" Ink said shocked.

"In fact that Baby Sans, is Error as a baby bones," Outer said crouching down by memory Error.

"But.. but... that's impossible, now way would my Blessedtale Sans become Error," Ink cried.

"Either way, Error put us in this memory. Pretty much how he became Error," Nightmare said looking rather bored.

"Fine, lets see this memory," Ink said pouting a bit.


Reaper hummed as he walked into the Anti-void, white and white and even more white.

He looked at his list and nodded.

"Right, this is so much easier when Error can get me to the right soul... wait never mind," Reaper said thoughtfully.

"This is going to take hours to clean this up," he moaned, there was a very long list of to be picked up here after all before it was too late.

He did wonder if the final name on the list for here would be taken.


The first thing they knew something was going on in the memory, is that the memory seemed to glitch for a split second.

"What was that?" Memory Papyrus said startled, he quickly got up pulling Error into his arms.

"Papy?" Error asked wide eyed.

"Somethings off," Papyrus said looking around.

The world Around them seemed to fuzz around the edges and Blur and glitch.

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