Chapter Four: That's a big Nope

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Axetale by: thebananafrappe

Swaptale by: p0pcornpr1nce


How does one trip from a portal, that was one Error was curious on.

He'd blindly aimed the portal this time, but apparently from the feel of the dust filled air he'd ended in a darker timeline. Getting to his feet he dusted.. well blood tinged dust off himself, never a good sign.

Squinting, he looked at the AU code.

An axetale offshoot.

Great, Horror Sans was bad enough.

But Axetale Sans.. made him feel as if he was being looked as if he was on a menu.

He stiffened as he heard a sound behind him.

He turned and stared.

"I hate these worlds," Error said, and fled.


"Nope Nope Nope!"

"Now that's a sight to see..." Sans said and one had to stare, how often did one see a weird skeleton running from a horde of hungered Temmies.

The Skeleton seemed to remember something, and suddenly a portal appeared and they ran in and closed behind them.

A bone brow raised as seconds later the portal reopened, a Temmie was kicked out moments later then it vanished again.


"I'm sure it wasn't that bad," Blues said, patting Error on the back.

"It was an axetale," Error grouched.

"There are worse AUs then that," Blue replied.

"It was a temmie Horde all hungered," Error said.

Blues pushed over the hardcore liquor, no one should face that.

Walking backwards in my footstepsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ