Chapter 2

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It was late that afternoon.
Maya and Riley were at the Matthews trying to do their homework but Maya's attention was divided somewhere else where she didn't want to tell.
But Riley knew who she was thinking about.
Her uncle who was demanded to come out.

"Come on," Maya said and sighted.

All afternoon she has been screwing up and doesn't know why.

"Okay think that's enough for now. We need a break," Riley said and Maya brushed her fingers through her hair.

"Where is your attention?" Topanga asks.
"At Josh," Riley answers.
"Please. I don't think..."

Before Maya could answer someone came in through the door.

"Hey Family," Josh said and Maya had tik get away.
"I gotta go," Maya said and went to out the door.

"Maya!" Riley said but was too late.
"What is going..."
"We don't know. She is acting weird," Topanga answers Josh.
"I'll go check on her," Josh says and goes out the door.

"Maya? Hey you okay?" Josh asks after he found Maya on the roof.
"I'm fine. Just like always," Maya said and exhaled.
"You sure? You seemed pretty distracted in there," Josh said.
"Well that has been me. I'm really fine Josh," Maya said smiling.
"You sure?" Josh asked.

Josh and Maya has known each other very long and even though some friendships grow apart theirs didn't.
Maya actually fell in love but got over it.
And for Josh...
His feelings never changed.

"Yeah," Maya said.
"Let's go in," Josh said.

When they got back in Josh's parents were already there.
What they were doing there nobody knew.

"Mom, Dad what are you guys doing here?" Josh asked.
"Celebrating," Amy said.

Josh's eyes widened as soon as he saw the ring on the counter.

"No," Josh said.
"What?" Maya said.
"Are you serious? You're out of your minds," Josh said.
"Can someone please tell me what is going on?" Maya asked.
"A ring Maya. Engagement ring," Josh said and Maya looked at him.
"They want us to marry each other," Josh said and now Maya's eyes widened.
"What! Are you crazy?" Maya asked.

"Just wait before you react," Katy said.
"I don't know how. Excuse me please," Maya said and went out the door.

Everyone stood still and didn't know what to do.
Josh on the other side was confused.
Maya shattered a few tears befor she left and he's convinced he was the only one who saw it.

"I'll go after her," Josh said.
"We have no choice," Shawn said.
"Yeah right. I've heard that one before. If she never speaks to me again than it's your fault," Josh said.

He we t back up too the roof where he knew she would be standing.
And he was right.
She was on the exact same spot she was the previous time.

"Maya?" Josh said.
"This time I'm not okay."

Tears are streaming down Maya's face and Josh exhales.

"Maya I'm so sorry," Josh said and stood next to Maya.
"It's not your fault. None of this is. I just wish I knew what to do."
"Well I can't make everything go away but..." Josh said and pulled Maya close to him.

She laid her hand on his chest and felt safe.

"I can try to cheer you up," Josh said and Maya let out a laugh.
"Thank you," Maya said and wiped her tears away.
"Anytime. Let me take you home," Josh said.
"That might be better," Maya said and they were off.

Neither knew how to react but what they did know was things were gonna be complicated.
A lot.

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