Did you find Kara?

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At the DEO
Alex's Pov.

I was so worried about my sister. I knew she was upset about the argument with Lena but this wasn't like her. She would fly all over National City and then she would call me for a sister night. I was sure something went bad.
I asked Brainy to search for her or for some Kryptonite because if she was missing the only thing which would cause her not to respond any of my call is Kryptonite.

'Alex I found it' Brainy told me

'Did you find Kara?' I asked with hope in my voice

'No, I've found some Kryptonite in the air in the city centre' he said with sadness

'Okay I'm going there with a group and I can ask J'onn for a favour and he can fly all around the city searching for her' I said as I faced with Lena
'I'm going to bring her home, I swear to you. Until then maybe you can work in the lab if you want to. I mean if anybody on this planet could find a cure for Kryptonite is it you. So I thought maybe you can find a way to make her resistant to her only weakness.' I said to her. I truly think that she is capable of doing it.

'Thank you Alex. Can I use your lab again? I'll try to do something while you're saving her.' she said with sadness.

'Yeah sure. Now I have to go. I won't come back without her.' I said as I went to my group.


In the city centre I knew what to search. If she felt down there would be a hole in the ground, a size like her. It's easy to find but I really hoped it was not the case.

Then I saw a hole as big as her. Next to it there were motor oil which lead to an old building at the end of the city. I asked for back ups as I stepped into the building with my 15 soldiers.

I heard Lex's voice. I really thought he stopped this madness after last week but clearly not.

'Lex it's over. Let her go.' I told him as I hold my alien gun at him.

'Isn't she sweet, Kara? She thinks I didn't prepared for her and her ridiculous crew.' he asked Kara who was unconscious on a bed.

I felt my blood boiling in my veins as soon as I saw my lil sister.

'Lex stopped this otherwise I have to shoot at you'

'Shoot at me? Why do you think it's going to work this time? Lena tried it and failed miserably as always.' he said and try to grab his gun.

That's when I got enough. I shoot at him.

I didn't kill him that was not my goal I only made him unconscious and caught him.

'J'onn where are you?' I asked him on our earphones.

'I'm right here. What can I do for you?' he asked me although he knew what I was thinking.

'Can you bring him to our secret facility to keep him there until he die? They have failed to keep him in the prison so this is our only chance.' I said and I knew it sounded like I have no soul but my family is more important. I knew it was a right thing to do.

'Of course Director Danvers, my pleasure.' he said as he hold Lex body and went through the ceiling'

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