How could I be so blind?

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At Lcorp
Lena pov.

I was sitting in my office as I was thinking about what Lex said to me. How could I be so blind? I let her in, I told her all my secrets and I honestly thought that now I have a best friend. In the last year I even thought we could be more than that. She always knew what to do to make me feel like we're capable of anything together. She pretended that she send Supergirl to save me all this years. Everything she did was a big lie. I'll never forgive her for this.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear when my office's door opened. I looked up from my desk and I saw the only person I didn't want to see standing right in front of me with her beautiful smile. God how can she be this beautiful? I felt my cheeks got warmer at this idea of mine. Than I realized I should hate her for her lies and for what she did to me.

'Hey Lena, is everything okay? You seemed a little off yesterday.' she asked like she did nothing wrong in the past 3 years.

I felt so much pain all over my body. I didn't know if she honestly cared about me or she was just checking me if I turned evil just like any of my family members because after all I'm just a Luthor to her.

'Why do you even care' I told with so much anger in my voice 'To told about Alex and the whole DEO that I gone evil and they can send you as Supergirl to catch me. No, I did not turn evil. I was off because of what Lex told me about you, about all the lies that you have told me all these years. These were  his last words: Kara Danvers is Supergirl.'

I looked at her and I saw her eyes getting big and I know it was true.

'How do you mean his last words' she asked confused 'The DEO checked the whole building and they found a lot of blood of his but not his dead body so I don't know what are you talking about'

I know she didn't lie this time.
'Yes, of course. I can't do anything right, not even kill him.' I said laughing and I felt a single tear on my cheek.

She came closer to swipe it away but I shouted at her.

'Don't you dare to come closer to me Supergirl. You've done enough for me. Don't you see it? You broke me more than everybody ever could. Not even Eve or my own mother broke me like you did. When exactly wanted to tell me that my best friend is Supergirl? Why did you lie to me? Just tell me that so we don't have to talk ever again.'
I looked at her and I felt sorry for her like 30 seconds and then realized that I have every right to be mad and disappointed in our relationship...I mean friendship.

She was crying. I have never saw her like this. We were each other safe place for so long but I've never seen her crying. I cried in her arms a couple of times but that's it.

'Do you think it was easy for me?' she shouted at me 'Do you think I liked it that way? I had to hide so much from you. Rao I have wanted to tell you so many times but I couldn't. Alex knew it and J'onn had to mind wiped her to forget it because it wasn't safe for her. Everybody who knows my secret identity has a target on there back for. Alex is my sister, she has grown up with this secret, she gave up so much for me. She is a director now and she is still in danger. I protect her but I realized I couldn't anymore. So how could I tell you that? How could I put you in so much danger? You asked me when was I going to tell you that, right? The answer is every day, but I knew I couldn't. There were times when I was so close to tell you like on the jet, I put down my glasses but then you said you can't handle if you figure out that any of your friends lied to you like Eve. So I decided not to do it. I was afraid that you will figure it out on your own or your mother tell you before I have a chance to do it.'

She wasn't shouting at me anymore she was just crying in the middle of my office. She looked so broke and afraid. I knew I should wrap my arms around her body and sit down with her on the couch but I couldn't. I felt so much pain. I looked in her eyes and I saw pure love and regrets in them.

'Kara why I am any different than Alex? I can take care of myself, you could tell me' I told her almost whispering, afraid of what she will say

'You are different because.... because...' she struggled with the words.

Let me know if you like it and I should continue it like this

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