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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️
~Time skip to tonight~
I've just finished getting dressed and applying make up when Isabella shouts me down stairs. I was wearing a neon pink crop top and a matching mini skirt as the theme at the club tonight was neon with my hair curled and a some heels. I walked downstairs and see Isabella wearing a neon green dress with a pair of heels.
(This is what their outfits look like in my head but it's up to you)

(This is what their outfits look like in my head but it's up to you)

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"Let's go bitch!!" Isabella says to meWe arrive to the club and it was already full up

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"Let's go bitch!!" Isabella says to me
We arrive to the club and it was already full up. People grinding on each other are everywhere and doing shots.
"Come on lets go get something to drink" Isabella says to me through the loud crowd. I follow her to the bar and we order 5 shots each, Ive drank before so it's not that bad but still has the burning effect. After a couple more shots I start to feel the alcohol hit and I try to grab Isabella but she no where to be seen. I make my way to the dance floor and start to shake my hips holding my cup in the air. After 5 minutes I feel someone grinding on me. I stop and look who it is and it was a tall dark haired man with a stubble.
"Hey" the man shouts to me.
"Hey" I reply a bit uncomfortable.
"What's your name gorgeous?"
"Katie yours?"
"Jackson. Nice to meet you do you want me to get you another drink?"
I look at the cup in my hand and it's empty I must of spilled it.
"Yes please"
We make our way over to the bar and get drinks. We chatted for a little but I kept seeing him look at his watch. I drank all of his drink and remembered that I haven't seen Isabella in a while. I go to text her but I can't type anything with the amount of alcohol I've had.

Hetttyyyyyu isabolla whirre are ypu I cant seee ypu

Erm Katie are you okay this isn't Isabella it's jimmy .

Ohhhgfddd heeeeeyyyyyy jimmmmmyyyyyyy how dod you get into isabelesss phone.

Katie are you still at the club your so drunk and I dont like the fact you can't find Isabella
Katie answer me
I'm on my way.
Please be safe x

"Hey katie" I look up from my phone and see Jackson but I start to feel horrible I couldn't see my head was spinning and I couldn't stand. I looked up at Jackson and saw him smirking at me. He leans down to me ear and whispers
"Great it working it took longer than normal but now your all mine baby girl" He chuckles after. My heart racing I'm so scared but I can't move not because I don't want to but my body just won't it's like I'm glued here it must be what ever he put in my drink. Jackson grabs my hand and leads me to the toilets and shoved me into a stall. I feel so helpless I can't move and I can't scream for help.
"Just be a good girl and let it happen you will enjoy it too. Just relax" he says to me as he pulls down my skirt and lifts up my top.
"Mmmm so sexy baby look how hard you make me."
He grabs my hand and places it on his very visible boner. He pulls down his trousers and his boxers and leaves his top on but I can see that he has a tattoo on his stomach of an eye with eagles around it. I look at him and his eyes are so dark with lust. He starts rubbing me through my thong and I hated every second. He rips of my thong and puts a condom on his dick. He lines up against my entrance when someone comes into the men's toilet causing his to freeze and me to shout help me as loud as I could which came out as barely louder as a whisper. Jackson puts his hand over my mouth.
"Hello? Did someone just say help me?"
The stranger makes his way over the our stall and knocks.
"Hey are you okay in there"
I start to gain some strength and remove Jackson's hand away from my mouth and again say help me. The guy understands what's happening and tries to get the door open which causes Jackson to put his clothes back on and leave me there still naked and rushes out the stall.
"Hey wait" the guy tries to stop Jackson but couldn't so he rushes over to me to help me.
"Omg I so so sorry are you okay did he hurt you?!"
"N-no" I barely get out as I start to feel worse.
"I'm Grayson. It's okay I won't let anything else happen to you. I'm just going to go get my brother so he can help okay." He says as he puts my clothes on without looking the best he can, clearly trying to be respectful. I just nodded and he ran off to get his brother. A couple minutes later he returns with a guy that looks exactly like him.
"Omg Gray she been drugged" the other one says to Grayson.
"Oh god the poor girl Ethan lift her up I'm going to go get our car to take her to the hospital."
Authors note: yes this is the Dolan twins if you don't like them I'm sorry but I do :)
Ethan makes his way over to me. He helps me stand up and takes my shoes of so I can have a better chance of walking.
"Do you remember your name?" He asks me.
"Y-yeh it's erm katie." I manage to get out.
"That's good I'm Ethan as you probably heard from earlier I'm going to help you up and see if you can walk if not I'll carry you to the car and we will take you to the hospital. Did you come here with anyone? Do you want me to call anyone?"
"Okay thank you dont have to do this you don't know me and yeah I came with my friend Isabella but i don't know w-where she is. Erm can you call her for me I feel horrible."
"Yeah sure" I pass him my phone and unlock it for him. It rings for a while but she don't answer. He tries again same thing happened.
"Looks like she not answering. I'm sure gray has the car outside by now let's see if you can walk."
He stands up and holds out his hand to help me up. I take it and stand up but not for long as my legs give up and I fall into his arms and my head hits his rock hard chest.
"Oh shit are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm good sorry about that I can't stand."
Before I know it he is lifting me up and carries me out of the bathroom bridal style. We leave but not without getting funny looks and whistles from the other clubbers. The cold air hits me and I start to shiver. I look up at Ethan and see how gorgeous he and Grayson too. He looks around and I see his jawline twitch.
"E over here." We hear from a blue car and Ethan heads over to Grayson. He places me down and grabs something out of the trunk. A hoodie he must of felt me shiver earlier.
"Here take this your cold and it will make you feel better."
I put it over my head and it very oversized on me. Ethan and Grayson were taller than me meaning they were tall as I'm tall girl at 5'9. Grayson comes over and opens the door for me while he is doing so I start to feel very sick and dizzy causing me to fall backwards but Ethan catches me before I hurt myself.
"Woah steady"
"Right katie I'm going to drive E will be in the back with you and we will take you to the hospital."
"Okay thank you guys so much I don't know what I would do without you or what would of happened if Grayson didn't show up."
They smile weakly at me and Grayson gets in the drivers seat, Ethan gets in first and I get in but I'm laying down and my head is on Ethan's lap. We are about to leave when I see Isabella and Jimmy rush out the club.
"Wait that's Isabella and jimmy." I try and sit up but get so dizzy I fall back into Ethan lap causing him to groan.
"KATIE WHERE ARE YOU." I hear jimmy shout.
"Jimmy" I whisper. I hear the car door open and see Grayson rush over to them and it's clear he told them what's happened in short and their faces drop and they all run over to me. The back car door flies open but then everything went black and I couldn't see anything.
"Katie katie omg I'm so so sorry I went to the toilet and came back out and couldn't find you anywhere I was looking all night this is all my fault." I hear Isabella cry.
"Katie please open your eyes please" jimmy says in a shaky voice. I try to reply when I pass out and everyone and everything is silent.

Sorry it been a while since I updated the WiFi here isn't great so I'm doing the best I can x

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