Chapter 10: Meeting John

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Although it was obvious Stiles was still nervous about seeing his dad, it also became clear that Derek was as well. 

Stiles looked up from his feet to peer at Derek, who was staring straight in front of him.

"Enjoying the view cupcake?" Derek asked.

"Shut up, Derek." Stiles smiled. "We're almost there. My house is that brick one up that road."

Stiles never thought his house was all that special, but it was home. His house was special to him, it was the house he grew up in.

Though full of some bad memories, there were also several good ones. And even though he hated walking into his dad's room, because his dad still kept some of mother's things, he still loved that house. He loved the pictures on the wall. He loved how the house would smell when his dad would cook. He just loved it.

The house was a few feet away and Stiles was just about to go on the porch when he noticed  that he could not hear the sound of footsteps behind him. He looked behind him and saw Derek was stopped in the middle of the road, looking to the side.

"Derek? What are you waiting on?" Stiles asked.

"Maybe I should just wait out here."

Stiles laughed. "Derek! You'll be fine. Come on!" Stiles grabbed his hand and dragged him to the door.

Stiles reached behind a porch swing and grabbed a key. He opened the lock and walked in.

"Dad? It's me!"

Silence. They both expected his father to come running down the stairs, but he heard nothing.

Stiles walked further into the house.

"Dad? Where are you?"

This time, both of the boys heard noise.

"Stiles? Is that you?" A man called, while running into the living room. The man ran and hugged Stiles, squeezing him until he looked like he was going to pop.

"Oh my god, Stiles! Where the hell have you been?"

"Dad. . . can't. . . breathe!"

Stiles's dad stopped hugging him, but still held onto his shoulder, feeling like Stiles would disappear.

"Stiles, where have you been?!" The man sounded a little angrier now.

"Dad, I'm so sorry! I ran off after the funeral, I just needed some air, but I ended up getting lost. I'm sorry." Stiles said, regret in his voice.

"I'm just glad you are okay, and that you came before your ceremony."

This time, Stiles was the one to hug his father with a bone crushing hug.

Derek felt awkward just standing there. He was glad that Stiles and his dad were okay, but he didn't know whether to step out or to watch.

"Oh! Dad, this is Derek." Stiles said. For the first time, Stiles's dad took eyes of of Stiles, and moved them to Derek.

"Derek? I'm John." He said. Derek stuck out his hand, and John shook it firmly.

"Dad, you have Derek to thank for getting me here."

"It really wasn-" Derek started.

John held up his hand. "I don't care. If you did anything to get my son back, I'm grateful. Thank you."

Derek nodded his head.

"Now, how 'bout we all take a seat on the couch and take a breather? Then you can tell me exactly what happened, Stiles."

Stiles sighed, but moved to the couch, while John went to the kitchen. Derek took a seat across from Stiles. 

John came back and handed each boy a drink. A beer for himself and Derek, and a soda for Stiles.

"Okay son." He cracked open the beer. "Start from the beginning."

Since they had been over this before, just minutes later, Stiles knew that he was going to have to tell John about Derek.

Stiles looked at Derek, who nodded his head. Once again, he told the full story of how he got lost and how he came back.


"Damn. Thank you Derek." John nodded.

"Really sir, it was nothing."

John nodded his head.

Suddenly, John's friendly attitude disappeared, and he turned towards Derek. "I have heard a lot of things about werewolves Derek, and I've met a few myself, being a soldier."

"Oh god, dad, he saved my life, you don't have to interrogate him."

"Actually son, I do." John said.

"Your father has every right to be concerned." Derek spoke.

"Like I said, I have heard a lot of things about werewolves. About how they lose control. About their habits. And I'm not exactly sure how I feel about a random man, a random wolf, volunteering to bring my son here."

"Sir, I understand your concern. I did it as a favor for a friend, Jimmy."

"A favor?"

"He met Stiles first, and quite honestly, I wasn't too keen on the idea of taking a several day journey back to an unknown village with some kid." Derek shrugged. "But I guess he turned out to be alright. And I understand your concern with my. . . status, but I can assure you I am under control."

Stiles knew this might have been a slight lie, but they were both willing to look past it.

The room was quiet for several moments, and Stiles was just about to speak up to break the awkward silence, when his father stepped in.

"Okay." John nodded. "Clearly you are under some sort of control, since Stiles seems to be unscathed, but I also know your kind can be dangerous. And I know how you are on full moons. There is one coming up, you should probably get going."

"Dad!" Stiles said. "He brought me all the way here, he can stay for as long as he likes. We alright got permission from Chief Michael."

John raised his eyesbrows, before he frowned. He wasn't one to disobey the chief.

"I can't have my son hurt. Not after his mother. If you lay one finger on him, I'll kill you." John said.

"Yes sir."

John smiled. "Alright! Now that all of the boring stuff is out of the way, let's talk about something else." John looked at Stiles. "Lets talk about your ceremony!"

Stiles groaned. "What is there to talk about?"

John laughed. "A lot."

"Great." Stiles said.

"Well, as a thanks for keeping my son alive, let's go grab dinner."

"Oh hell yes." Stiles exclaimed "Let's go to Harley's, please? Can we?" Stiles begged, acting like a child. 

"You tell me all the time you're a grown adult, but then you do stuff like this." John chuckled. "Yes we can go to Harley's."

"Yes!" Stiles said.

They all stood up and headed out.

"I hope you like meat Derek, because that's basically all Harley's serves." He laughed.

Stiles laughed and even Derek put on a smile. "Yes sir."

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