Chapter 11: Harley's

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Derek knew that the hard part was over, getting Stiles here, getting him back to his family, but he still felt uneasy. 

The walk to the restaurant was quiet, but Derek's mind was anything but quiet. 

He was wondering about Stiles' ceremony tomorrow, about his animal, about the dinner they were about to have, about John, basically anything that associated with Stiles.

Derek realized that the past several days essentially revolved around him. Stiles was always around him, and Derek was always thinking about him. 

He found he was always worrying about him. Before, he worried about very little, there wasn't much to fret about when you're a werewolf. If he did worry it was only stress about work, after all, that seemed to be all he ever did. In the past week he always worried about how Stiles was feeling, and a million what-ifs ran through his mind daily. What if he gets hurt? What if I do something to upset him? What if he decides to leave? What will happen once he reaches his village?

Though Derek was glad that Stiles was back home where he should be, he almost. . . no, he wasn't going to be upset at the fact that their adventure was over. That was ridiculous.

Even so, he knew it would feel wrong to walk back home alone. 

They arrived at a small diner with a lit sign, half burned out. Stiles let out a noise of anticipation, and practically ripped open the door.

Derek and John followed, less enthusiastically. When they made it inside, Stiles had already picked out a booth and was sitting impatiently. Stiles was bouncing in his seat and patted the spot beside him, mimicking for Derek to sit.

After they were all seated, a woman in her fifties greeted them, red lipstick on her teeth. 

"Helen!" Stiles shouted. He climbed over Derek without letting him get out of the booth, resulting in him getting kicked in the stomach.

"Stiles! What the hell is wrong with you?" John exclaimed.

Stiles ignored him and gave the waitress, Helen apparently, a hug.

She smiled and hugged him back, patting his back. "I haven't seen you in a while, doll."

"I know, I know. School, then lacrosse, then more school, and then. . . well you know."

"I do. What can I get you to drink?" She said with a warm smile. Stiles smiled in return. "The usual."

"God, I don't know how you drink that every time you come here." John said, shaking his head in what seemed to be disgust.

"It's delicious! You just have old man taste buds and don't appreciate fine drinks!"

"Old man taste buds?" Derek questioned.

Helen shook her head. "And who are you darlin'?" She asked.

"Derek." He said.

"Nice to meet you Derek." Helen said with another warm smile.

"Okay! Enough chit chat, y'all look hungry. What can I get for you?"

Derek stood up so Stiles could sit back down without kicking him, then slid in next to him. He picked up the menu, and saw that John was right, everything was meat.

"I'll have the usual, mustard and ketchup only." Stiles said. What was up with all these usuals?

"You got it hun. What about you John?"

"8 oz steak, cooked medium." He said. She scribbled it down on her notepad and then looked towards Derek.

"Burger, no onions, cooked rare." He said.

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