Chapter 7

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~time skip~
It's been two months and I've been feelings so sick in the morning and doing certain things makes me sick for some reason. I have a doctors appointment today so maybe I'll ask them to check what's wrong with me. I swear to god I better not be pregnant man. Ima be mad as hell bro. I take a quick shower and get ready for my appointment. I head down stairs and my moms waiting for me on the couch. "You ready?" She asks. "Yeah lets go" i respond. We arrive at the hospital and we just finished checking in. We get to the room and my doctors just finished checking my heart rate and noticed something. "Okay. We're gonna run some tests so we'll need a urine sample and then we're gonna ask you a few questions." Bitch, tests? Urine tests? Bitch, bye. But I smile and shake my head, "Yeah sure." I take the cup and they show me to a bathroom and I pee in the cup. I walk back to the room and give them the sample. They walk out the room and we waited for them to come back with the results.
After about 15 minutes, the doctor walks back in. "Okay mama bear, we're gonna ask you to step out of the room for this part of the questions." My doctor says. My mom shakes her head signaling that she understands and waves bye at me. "Okay so our results came back and we just wanna ask you a few personal questions. We won't tell your mother unless we have your permission, Okay?" She explains. "Yeah okay, I would like to keep it private." I say. "Okay so we're gonna start. Um, are you sexually active?" She asks. "Uh yeah". I answer. " Okay um are you aware that you're two and a half months pregnant?" The doctor asks. My heart began racing and I felt my heart drop. "No i wasn't aware of that" I say with my voice cracking. My eyes began tearing up and soon, I'm sobbing. The doctor rubs my back. "We're gonna bring your mom back in, if you want to tell her now, I'll stay in the room if you'd like." The doctor says kindly. "Yeah okay, thank you." My mom walks back into the room and immediately, her expression changes from happy to concerned when she sees the tears running down my face. "Yaya, are you okay?" My mom asks as she sits down beside me. We sit in silence for a few minutes as I try to catch my breath. "I'm sorry, mom. I'm so sorry" I say and break down again. My mom knew exactly what I meant as soon as I started crying again and she gets very emotional. She begins caressing my back. "Can we have a moment?" My mom asks the doctor. "Of course." And she walks out. "Yaya, it's okay, we'll figure it out, okay?" My mom says with tears in her eyes. I nod. "Do you know who?" She asks. I nod again. "We'll talk about this later. Let's go" she says and she gets up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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