Chapter 14 - New Years Eve

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It's about one week later.
It's Monday, 31 December 2018.
New Years Eve and everyone is seeing forward to it.
But the time is also coming closer where Maya and Megan has to go back to London.
The weekend they are going back and then Maya has to go back to her usual schedule.
Which she didn't like very much.
It was a ice cold day and all everyone else wanted to do was to stay in bed but that wasn't going to happen.
Everyone was busy preparing for New Years.
Morgan, Darren and DJ had a dinner in Brooklyn with friends so that means the girls were alone at the Matthews.
Maya wasn't complete in with the idea.
She has spended a lot of time with Riley and even though she would never have said it before she actually thinks she needs a break.

It was late the afternoon.
Around seven pm and Maya was sitting in Riley's room.
She didn't have anything planned but what she knew is that she didn't actually want to go see people.
She hasn't saw Riley in years but that definitely didn't stop her.
She just wasn't in the mood for people.
She sighted and got up from the bed.

Maya's outfit 👇

Maya's outfit 👇

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Maya's pov

Guess I have to go face some people.
Maybe it's because Riley is asking so many questions that I want to avoid her.
This is not like me at all.
Usually I would die for the change to spend the night at the Matthews but this time it's not much.
I actually just want to go back home and that doesn't happen often.

Maya grabs a jacket and then heads to the living room.
She was glad to see that Josh had also pitched up along with Lucas.
She wasn't going to survive this night if she actually did do it alone.

"Hey. I was wondering where you were," Josh said and Maya went over to him.
"I was just getting ready. Where is Riley?" Maya asked.
"Introducing Megan to everyone," Lucas said.
"Think you should go stop her though. She can get too much."

Lucas was off and Josh finally felt comfortable to talk to Maya.

"I know you weren't really getting ready. From who were you hiding?" Josh asked.
"They keep asking questions and I have no idea what to say anymore," Maya said and smiled.
"Yeah. I think it's fortunate that I decided to come over," Josh said.

"Hey. What are you gossiping about?" Riley said.
"Maya was just telling me about her classes in London. She apparently does extra classes after school. In music I think you said, right?" Josh said.
"I actually do music," Maya said.

"Stop covering Uncle Joshua. She really does music in her spare time," Megan said.
"Really? Well I'm not surprised," Josh said.
"What about a song? Just a quick one," Riley said.
"Okay. I guess I can figure something out," Maya said and Riley put music on.

It was quiet music and Maya knew what to sing.
One of her new hits she was working on.

"Big lights.
Rushing to grow up before you know.
Stop signs.
Everyone tells me I gotta go slow.
And it's gonna hurt sometimes.
No matter what you do.
But nothing can change my mind.
If I'm too young to fall in love.
Why do you keep runnin' through my brain?
And if I'm too young to know anything.
Then why do I know that I'm just not the same?
Don't tell me I won't.
Don't tell me I can't feel.
What I'm feeling is real.
Cause I'm not too young.
Rain drops.
Deep thoughts.
Pictures of you and me wherever I go.
To a place where nobody says no.
And it's gonna hurt sometimes.
No matter what you do.
But I've got to fall to fly, yeah.
If I'm too young to fall in love.
Why do you keep runnin' through my brain?
And if I'm too young to know anything.
Then why do I know that I'm just not the same?
Don't tell me I won't.
Don't tell me I can't feel.
What I'm feeling is real.
Cause I'm not too young.
Cause I'm not too young no.
And if I'm too young to fall in love.
Why do you keep runnin' through my brain?
And if I'm too young to know anything.
Then why do I know that I'm just not the same?
Don't tell me I won't.
Don't tell me I can't feel.
What I'm feeling is real, yeah.
Cause I'm not too young.
Cause I'm not too young no.
Cause I'm not too young."

" Tell me you didn't write that," Riley said.
" I actually did. I finished it recently so I had it done," Maya said.
" As always, amazing. Well done," Josh said.
" Thanks Josh," Maya said.

" You know. You actually make a pretty good couple," Megan said.

Josh and Maya has talked basically all night and everybody is starting to think te exact same thing.
What a cute couple.

"I don't think so. Me and Josh are only friends and that's all we'll ever be. That I promise you," Maya said.
"Hey time to go up," Riley said and everyone was off.

Where? you may ask.
The roof to look at the fireworks.
But when everyone stood up, Maya just kept stating where she sat.
She didn't feel like any of the New Years stuff and neither did Josh.

"And if you're sitting in here? All your friends are on the roof."

Maya just smiled at Josh.
She didn't feel like talking at that point.

Josh's pov

She was quiet and I knew she wasn't very good at hiding.
I could see something is wrong.
Now I just had to figure out what it is.

"Okay what's bugging?" Josh asked.
"Everything," Maya said and Josh sat down next to her.
"I knew it was a mistake coming," Maya said.
"What are you talking about?" Josh said.
"How am I going to just go away?" Maya asked and sighted.
"Aren't you happy in London?" Josh asked.
"Of course I am. Or I thought I was. I don't know anymore."

Josh didn't know how Maya was feeling about this entire thing and maybe he'll never.
But he does know that she isn't exactly fine.

"So no?" Josh said and Maya smiled.
"I love it in London and Megan is a amazing friend. But since I came back I felt distant from everyone. I knew Riley since I was five but it doesn't even seem like she missed me," Maya said.
"Well I promise you that's just an act. Riley missed you like crazy those first few weeks. She still misses you. I miss you," Josh said.
"I miss you too. But this week has been everything besides fun. And I'm not talking about the accident," Maya said.
"What then?" Josh asked.
"I don't feel like I belong anywhere anymore," Maya said.

Josh sighted.
He knew it would be difficult for her but not that difficult.
He smiled and pulled her close to him.

Maya's pov

I always knew my crush wouldn't just go away.
It's still there.
I know it but maybe I just have to get over it.
Feeling him close to me was the best feeling ever.
But how can I say goodbye?

"Everything will be fine," Josh said and Maya exhaled.

She pulls her away from him and get her hair out of her face.
A small smile forms and Josh knows he need to cheer her up.

"Come," Josh said as he stood up and held his hand out to Maya.
"Where are we going?" Maya asked.
"Anywhere you want to go," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"And what will everything think then?" Maya asks.
"Let's go up then," Josh said.

"Decided to join us?" Riley asks.
"I just needed a minute," Maya said.

Fireworks started to go off and Maya looks up.
She knows that she wants to come back but she doesn't actually know how.
But something she knows for sure it that she will come back.
She won't just come back for awhile but for college.
A secret she'll keep for herself.

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