Chapter 2 - Packing

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Morgan drops Maya off at the boarding school and she goes in to pack.
She decides to keep it simple.
Jeans, shirts, a few jackets and some boots.
While she was packing her suitcase a photo fells out of one of her goats.
She picks it up and looks at it. 👇

She knew she missed everyone but she never thought she would miss them so much

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She knew she missed everyone but she never thought she would miss them so much.
Especially Josh.
She knows she will not run into any of the Matthews while she is in New York but she is still scared that she might.
She sights and put the photo back into her purse.
She doesn't have time for a long face.
She quickly finishes lacking everything and ghen she goes to her bathroom.
She packs her towel and a few things she knows she will need.
She then packs her backpack and heads out the door.

She takes the bus to Megan's house and thinks while it drives.
Which part of New York can it be and will she bump into anyone?
She doesn't think about that too much.
The ride wasn't very long then Maya climbs off the buss.

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