Chapter One

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"Tedros! Make yourself useful and go grab me another beer!!"

I turned around and faced my father, "but papa, you already had lots.."

I hated seeing my father drunk, he's scary when he is -- like now. But it now happens everyday, ever since mum died. He was alright for a few months, but then things started to change -- he started to blame me for her death.

And he's right.

I can't remember what happened before the accident, but I was the only one whose was in that car besides mama, and I just know it was my fault.

People say that alcohol solves problems, but they don't. The problem comes back when you're sober again - the reason why papa is always drunk.

To be painless.

But he weren't always like this; it started off with just a few drinks, slowing building up more and more each day, until he could no longer control himself. He use to be a nice, sweet and caring father who always spent every second with me; and mum too, if he didn't have work.

But the alcohol changed him.

"Don't you dare lecture me on how much I can drink!" He raised his hand high above my head. I looked up at the hand and gulped. No not again. Quickly, I pulled myself up off the floor, leaving my toys behind, apart from Kilgharrah; my dragon, he helps me to be brave. I literally ran to the kitchen, while Kilgharrah flew, not wanting to be striked again.

I tugged at the fridge door and to my horror there were no types of beer left.


"Oh no" I whispered, turning my head towards the door where he sat on the otherside staring at the television, before turning in the opposite direction towards the window. "But they won't sell alcohol to a five year old kid.."

I made my way to the window, climbed up onto the worktop and started to climb out.

"There's gotta be another way.."

There was.

I ran to the back of the garden towards the fence that separated us from the neighbours. There was a hole in the fence, just big enough for me to squeeze inside. Our neighbours always had beer in their shed fridge, it was where he and papa use to always hang and talk; before the accident.

They wouldn't notice if just one went missing, right? Then I can tell papa that this is his last one. That way I won't be in trouble, and papa will still have his drink. All will be fine...

I got onto my stomach and managed to slip through the hole at the bottom of the fence. It felt as if it were getting smaller than the last time I slipped through here. Once I made it onto the other side, I scanned the whole garden.


Perfect, I thought.

I ran straight for the shed, hoping that it would be unlocked, and to my surprise, it was. I wasn't exactly surprised though, it mostly was open during the day. But that meant only one thing--

--he was home.

I ran straight to the fridge and pulled it open. It was stacked high with beer.

Lots of it.

This man must be an alcoholic.

Like my father...


I grabbed one, kicked the door closed, and ran out of there as fast as my little legs would take me. Diving straight for the hole and slithered my way to safety.

My heart was pounding fast.

Like there was a drum kit inside of my chest.

I was scared. I didn't want to get caught. But my papa was even scarier without his drink.

Clutching Kilgharrah tight to my chest, I climbed back through the window, finding my father looking into the fridge.

I gulped.

"Tedros Axel Hughes!"

I jumped at the sound of his voice, trying to get off the windowsill as fast as I could, before he even looks up.

My foot suddenly got caught upon the taps, and the bottle of beer that was clutched in my tiny hand, slipped out and ended up smashing all over the kitchen floor. Everything I have risked, was now scattered on the floor along with the hundreds and thousands bits of broken glass.

I stared at the beer that was now all over the kichen floor, too scared to even look my papa in the eyes.

This was it.

I'm in for it big time now...

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