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"MAMA..??!" I screamed, tears falling down my cheeks uncontrollably like a waterfall.

I was playing with my dinosaurs when out of the blue there were beeps, screeching of the brakes and a car spin. I watched the dinosaurs fly high over my head - as if they had magically grew wings - I was too young to understand what was happening, but was fascinated all the same by the fact that my dinosaurs could fly!

Everything was upside down; I was upside down - wait why was I upside down.. I'm no genuis but I'm pretty sure cars are meant to be the other way up, right?

"Mum..." I called out but no answer was heard. "MUM!" I shouted louder, terrified.

I just about managed to reach over my car seat and unplugged my own seatbelt; I'm becoming a big boy!

"MUM! Mum, wake up please..!" I climbed my way across to the front, desperate to reach my mother, hoping that she would wake up, pull me into a hug and tell me that everything was going to be alright while stroking my hair to soothe me back to peace. After parkouring my way pass the glass and over the seats, I eventually made it to the front, next to my mother.

I turned my head ninty degrees to face her.

I screamed.

There was blood everywhere!

Glass sticking out the side of her head with blood gushing out. Her flowery white top that I liked wasn't white no more - it looked as if she wore a new top that I never knew about.
There were cuts and blood dripping all down her arms, with a few glass here and there. Mom was completely out of it. Let's just say, it wasn't a nice sight for a 4 year old.

But I had no choice.

I felt a pain in my arm, more like a sting - as if someone pulled a plaster off real fast. I looked down and saw red stuff oozing out of my pale skin, escaping down my arm.

It was calming to watch the pure redness run away from my body, but to this point I had enough of seeing blood.

I felt my whole face drain of it's colour as I watched a red drop drip onto my shorts like rain water --

-- everything soon went black.

The next thing I remember were a few beeps that I couldn't understand where it was coming from and people's muffled voices that I couldn't work out what they were saying, before I got brought back into the light.

I slowly opened my eyes seeing a light blue ceiling blinding me back to reality.

Am I dead?

I slowly sat up, noticing things strapped to me. I felt trapped. As if I had been tied down to the bed.

I looked around, seeing other kids like me in bed. Some of them were in a worse condition than I was. Each child were on the same like bed, curtains drawn half way round a couple of them. That was when it hit me --

-- and I was scared.

I was at a hospital.

I hate hospitals.

I reached my arm over towards my other arm and tried to yank the wires out of me -- I had to go see my mother.

"Tedros Hughes, you must keep them on, they will make you better!"

I jumped.

I turned my head towards where the lady's voice was coming from, my hand still had a tight grip around the wires.

"I want my mum.." my eyes started to well up with tears.

"Teddy.." The lady, that was the nurse of the children's ward took a step closer towards me.

My mother always called me Teddy.

She laid a hand on my head, running a hand through my hair. I closed my eyes, imagining it was my mother. That the car accident never happened, and we were safe at home in my bedroom, while my mum was trying to send me to sleep.

My hand loosen off the wires and reached out to take my mother's hand in mine.

"I'm sorry Teddy, but your mother didn't make it.."

My hand froze as soon as I heard a different voice. It wasn't my mother's.

Confused, I opened my eyes hoping to see my mother smiling down at me. Instead I saw a nurse in her place, and that was when reality really hit me; again.

Frustrated, I pulled my hand away from hers, and over towards the wires that were strapped to my arm.

It felt like I had just been abducted by aliens, and these machines were trying to drain my life away.

Not if I can do anything about it. I have to save my mother!

"No!" I gave a hard tug.

At this point I couldn't stop the tears uncontrollably slashing down my face, as I frustratingly try to yank the wires out of my arms; not giving a dam if they hurt.

"No!" I yelled, forcing myself to roll out of bed. I wanted to believe that she was still alright, that she was going to walk through those doors any minute now.

"She's not dead, she can't be!"

The nurse grabbed hold of me, as I tried to fight her strength off.

"I need to save her!"

"Tedros stop-" the nurse kept me in her tight grip as I tried to fight her off. Just then I head a familiar voice, forcing me to stop.


I looked up.

The nurse loosen her grip as I ran towards my father's arms.

"Papa" I looked up at him with my big, blue, helpless eyes, that were red from crying.

He placed a hand on my shoulder as he knelt down to my level. I saw his eyes were red and puffy, and that was when I knew he had been crying.

But my father never cries.

"Is she-"

Before I could finish my father nodded and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and cried silently into his shoulder.

"Let's go home" he whispers into my ear, lifting me up into his arms.

Both of us were unaware that home was never going to be the same again.

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