Chapter 20

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I already at the airport to fly back to Malaysia for another 3 months of study. My flight will be departure in 2 hours but here I'm on my knee to persuade Sejun who is crying non stop. I feel sad and really want to join him crying but I have to be tough in front of him or else he will continue to cry. Being with him in 3 months is impossibly enough. He is my son and you know, how a mother feel when she have to leave her love one. "Sejunaaa... Uljima.", I wipe his tears with tissues. "I will come back after graduated... Immediately! Okay? ", I show him 👌 sign. "약속? (promise?)", he show his pinky finger and I intertwined mine with him. "But you have to be a good boy who not crying and obedient to halmoni and haraboji then I will come to you.", he wipe off his tears and nodding to my condition. He hug me tightly and I hold him up in my arm.

'Good morning to all our beloved passengers. Attention for passengers who fly to Malaysia, the gate is already open... Passengers please check in your bag at counter 6 and 7... Thank you...'

"I think it's your flight. We will take our leave now...", eomma say who is standing in front of me with appa beside her. I put Sejun down and ask him to go with his grandparents. I embrace both Kwon Eomma and Kwon Appa try not to burst into tears. "Thanks for everything.", I whispered to their ears. He wave his hand to me with another hand holding his halmoni's hand. Finally, I can let my tears fall. It's been awhile and I have to leave him again. These 3 months have been a hectic life but memorable. My life changed so much even in this short period. Am I able to be back again? I wipe my tears away and make my way to the counter. After checked in my luggage and walk to the gate for security checks. Then, someone grab my wrist but unfortunately my action is too fast that I can protect myself using judo. I want to twist his hand and drop him.

"Ya ya ya! Naya!! (it's me)", I let go of the hand and punch him lightly on his chest. "Yah! 깜짝 놀랐잖아! (you scared me!)", I pout with my hand folded pretending to sulk. "Aigoo. My girlfriend is too strong", he complaint then he pull me towards him and put his arm around me. "Mianhae", he whisper. I put my arm around him and hug him tightly. "You say you wouldn't make it. What a surprise.", I say while my chin rest on his left shoulder. "감동 받아서? (Are you fluttered?)", he let go of me and stare at me lovingly but also there is hope that I say yes shown in his eyes. I shook my head as the answer is NO. Then, he pout and sulking like a baby. Do this ahjussi thinks he cute? Aigoo. He look at his shoes, still pretending to be sulk. I pinch both of his cheeks. "Okay, I just surprised and I was not hope for you to come because I know you have been busy lately.", then I let go of him when his cheeks already look like a tomato.
"Who say that I wouldn't make it? I try my best to send you off. You will come back to Korea, right?", written on his face hoping for me to say yes. I'm speechless since I don't have answer for that question. I want to say yes but it just worsen the situation by giving him a fake hope but I also can't say no because I don't want to let him down. I hold both of his most beautiful hand I ever seen in my entire life with calm stare in my eyes. "I don't know. I think it's better for me to stay in Malaysia but I'll visit Korea for sure, to meet Sejun since I already promise him.", he grab my hand tightly after I ended my words. He look so sad as if this is our last moment together. "I'll miss you for sure.", I saw tears in his eyes. I stare at him for awhile, cherish all the moment left because we might not see each other for a long time.

"Hey, we still can catch up with each other. Are we in 80s 90s era? We can facetime and text each other.", try to cheer him up and bet my life for him to accept or not. "I'll text you and bothering you whenever I have free time but if you want to study, I'll give you time. Every night, we will facetime together. Deal?", he say to me excitedly. "Yah! I don't even facetime with Sejun that much. Aigoo, Mr. Clingy.", I complaint. "You can facetime with him earlier than me since he have to be on bed early for school. I'll sing lullaby until you sleep, I'll accompany you when you have to stay up to finish your assignment.", I think he have the points. I'm humming to tease him as he look like a kid who ask for his mom to buy lollipop. "Deal.", I give the answer that he wanted to hear earlier. He look so happy with his bright smile and his cute giggling. For a second, I feel a peck on my cheek. My eyes widen by his action with some people look at us. I punch him lightly at his arm because he make my cheeks look like cherry bomb. In few second, his lips already slammed mine and I driven away by the sweet kiss. After a minute, we apart from each other and give the last hug before I leave to security check. "I love you!", we confessed in sync after he let me go and we chuckle. I walk to the gate without take any glimpse on him behind me because the tears might fall like a waterfall.

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