Chapter 23

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I arrived at my house after the practice and actually I already late to do something important. I don't even have time to shower up. I set my phone and waiting. "Jagiyaaaaaa!", I wave with both of my hand in front of the phone. "Yah, stop it. You just arrived, right? Why don't you go to shower first? I can wait for you.", she say on the other side. I can't stop smiling whenever we having a facetime together. "You can wait but I can't~", I giggled. She sighed. "Okay. Now, go to shower first then you can call me back.", she instructed me to do so. "Okay, okay! Don't sleep yet okay! I will having just a quick shower!", I say. She say okay with her finger showing okay sign. She hang up the call. She have been busy lately with her report but she still have time for me. Sometimes I feel bad bothering her but she say at least she can talk to someone accompanying her to finish up her assignments. I immediately go to the bathroom to take shower


I hang up the phone call first because he will never hang up. I walk down stair to make a coffee since I will be staying up a bit late today. "Eik? Why you are here? You always lock yourself in the room exactly at 10 p.m..", Lisa ask me as she reach cup on the tea table for her to drink. "He just got back home. I ask him to go shower first and I always lock myself at 10 before, okay? Don't act like you just know me for 2 days.", I say as I stir the mixture of the coffee and sugar. Lisa walk towards me with her potato chip on her left hand. "Can I ask you something?", she ask as her tone seems like serious. "Since when you ask my permission if you want to ask me something?", I chuckled while putting back the coffee and the sugar at the original place. "Okay. Did you tell him about your first love?", her question stopping me from anything that I do. I just shook my head and I can hear her sigh. "You knew that you made your promise. Don't you think you should tell him about it?", she said. I know she concern about me but I don't even know his status. Is he still alive? Is he married? Is he still the same person that I know? I'm scared and worried. I tried my best to look for him but knowing my father would failing all my plan. My father thought he was a bad influence to me. "I don't know. Maybe not now. I don't want him to concern about this little promise I had.", I sighed. "It's okay. Take your time and think about it wisely. Okayyyy! Let's not talk about it anymore. Go upstairs! He sure waiting for you.", she push my back to make me walk towards my room.

"Why are you late? Is anything happened?", he ask while drying his hair with towel. "Sorry. I went to make a coffee for awhile. We lack of hot water so I have to wait for the water heater.", I explained before he start to concern more. "It's okay. Coffee? You have to stay up again?", I can hear by his voice that he concern about me not having much sleep to settle all my reports and assignment. I nodded and sighed softly. "You said that you have something to tell me. What is it?", I ask. "Wait!", he disappeared from the screen. Suddenly, my house blacked out. What is this? Why now? I have to stay up tho. Aishhh!

"Happy birthday to you~", I see him holding a cake with candles on it. It's my birthday?! I don't remember at all! I must be so busy and forgot about it. I'm so speechless right now. "Happy Birthday~~~ to you!", he end the song. Both of us clapped our hands. "I forgot about my birthday", I slap my forehead as I thought that I feel silly. "You must be so busy. It's okay. Actually I want to be the first one to wish your birthday.", he said. My eyes wider as I take my watch I placed near me. Ahh, it's just passed 12 a.m. but I still don't remember it. Hehehehe. "Anyway, thank you! I really appreciate it a lot!", I thanked him. He lift the cake and ask me to blow the candles. "Ehhh! Wish first!", he reminds me. I intertwined my hand together with my eyes close and make my wish before blow the candle virtually. He put down the cake after he blows the candle for me. "Close your eyes! I have one more surprise for you.", he said. What's wrong with this man? So full of surprise. I just did close my eyes without any excuses. "Okay, open your eyes.", I heard him. I slowly open my eyes suddenly.

"SURPRISE!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRENE!", three of my friend appeared behind me making me shocked to death. They come with a cake. I smacked their arm one by one. After they finished sing the birthday song, I hug three of them and thanked them but then I can hear someone fake cough. "How do you like my surprise?", he smirk with his arm folded. "Thank you! When you guys prepare all of this? Wait! Four of you chatting behind my back?! Wah! I feel I got my back stabbed.", I pretend to be hurt by them. "No, I just ask Lisa and she agree to join the surprise plan. Are you jealous right now?", he playfully teased me. My friends also join to tease me. I can't hide my smile when they started. "Okay! Stop! Now, please turn on the electricity first and we will start the celebration properly.", I ask them to leave my room and get done properly for the celebration. I sit back at the table where I put my i-Pad there. "You are so good in this. I don't even know how to surprise people.", I pout. He smile at me and chuckle. "I know that I'm sweet. By the way, I have one more surprise. Close your eyes!", he ask me to close my eyes again. More surprise? Really? What I did in my previous life that I deserve a nice person as him? I must had save the world. I close my eyes again and waiting for him to tell me to open my eyes. 

"Eomma!!!", I heard someone call me but the voice is so familiar. I can feel someone hug me from my back. I turn my body and open my eyes. I feel numb because I don't believe what happened in front of my eyes right now. "Sejunah", my tears start to flow hardly. I miss him so much. So this is the surprise he told about? This is too much, I don't deserve this. "Eomma, why are you crying? Don't cry.", he wipe my tears with his little hand. "No, I just miss you so much.", I wipe my own tears and try to smile as wide as I can to hide my true feeling. "Hyun appa told me that I'm a good boy so that he will give me reward. Grandma and grandpa are also here, downstairs.", the little boy said. This is the best birthday I ever had if I can say the truth. I stayed here for a long time already. When I was a kid, I celebrated my birthday with Saera eonni most of the time. After she passed away, I don't celebrate my birthday until I found my housemate. They are so precious, I can't even pay them by anything in this world. I love them so much. Sejun saw Baekhyun from my phone screen and greet excitedly. He say that he hope that his Hyun Appa can also be here together but Baekhyun give his excuse and promise Sejun to hangout with him again when Sejun back to Korea. "Sejun, there are ice cream down stair.", I tell him and he feel so excited about it. I ask him to go first because I need to talk to Baekhyun and he did. After he go out from my room, my attention turn back to the guy who still on the phone. "Why?", I ask him and he look clueless with my question. I sighed. "Why you did all of this? I don't deserve all of this. This is too much. I feel happy to have you on my side not because I need this kind of surprise. Having you in my life is actually more than surprise.", he can sense my feelings through my voice. He give me a smile, ensuring smile. "This is what you deserve. Your happiness is mine too. I know how important Sejun in your life. I love the moment you had with Sejun. I can see the different side of you. The loving and caring side of you. This is not a big deal compare to how you leave a big impact in my life. Sejun is a good boy and he really miss you. So, I just make a promise with him. He did well in his school and I rewarded him with you. If I could, I want to be there with all of you especially you but I have a tight schedule since I have to prepare for the comeback and my solo debut. I love you so much.", he tell everything that he have been keep in his heart. I feel so touched by his sudden 'confession'. I give him a big smile. "Thank you. I love you too.", this is the only word that I left from my mouth. I feel so happy, overwhelm, touched. What I did to deserve such a nice guy like him? I can say that this is the best birthday ever.

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