Part 7

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You and Garou would stop at the pharmacy, you'd buy some bandages and some medicines. The cashier would look at garou, and she would look a bit terrified. you'd look at Garou, he'd look a bit confused. you'd smile a little bit while your eyes gazing at that silver haired man, and paid the cashier. 

you'd go back to the tiny shack with garou. even though you slept on the hotel before, but you don't know why, you feel much more comfortable staying at the shack now. you wonder why? is it really because of the place? you don't think so. or is it because you have someone that actually look out for you? and taking care of each other? 

anyways you guys have finally arrived at the shack. you'd take off your shoes and put it somewhere near the entrance door. you headed to the kitchen and look at the ingredients you have bought before. you'd take out some of the ingredients and cook a homemade fried rice and fried chickens. 

"smells good, wha'dya cook?" asked garou

"you'll see later!" you answer him with a smug face

"better be good" snapped the silver haired man

"hah! are you underestimating me?" you answered with full of confidence 

"perhaps" said garou while sticking out his tounge to make you annoyed again

you'd be finished cooking the food. you'd let Garou to be the food tester. he'd take a bite of a table spoon of the fried rice. he'd take another spoon of the fried rice but you'd stop Garou to do that after his 3rd spoon. after you guys have finished preparing the food, you guys would eat the food.

"how's the food" you asked

he doesn't hear your question and keep eating like he never eat for 7 years. you let out a small laugh because it's actually hilarious. his face would be full of crumbs. after you guys finish eating, you'd ask him the question that you asked before.

"so... how's the food?"

"eh? i'm surprised that it was actually good!" he answered with a sparkly eyes

you'd blush.

"r-really?!" you'd asked again

"are you deaf?! i told you it was good" he answered with annoyed expression.

you'd also feel annoyed and punch his arm, but he dodge your punch, so you end up falling to the floor. you'd think that this is so embarrassing. he'd offer his hand to you and you grabbed his hand. he wouldn't let your hand go, and directing my hand to his arm. you'd laugh a little, he also would smile at you.

"now you hit me" says the silver haired man while grinning at you

"yeah... with your help" you answered while smiling at him

you guys would stare at each other for some seconds, his face would be closer to your face. you'd close your eyes and do a little duck face.

"are you expecting me to kiss you?" asked the silver haired man

you'd open your eyes immediately  and feel so embarrassed.

"n-no!! no i don't!" you answered while looking away, and feeling a bit disappointed

he held my chin, and push his lips to my lips. we slowly close our eyes. you can feel his tongue moving your tongue. after a while you guys finished kissing each other.

"there, i gave you what you wanted, even though it wasn't from a heroes, or charming idols..." says garou 

you'd look at him in the eyes and say

"heroes might be famous and have a well reputation, and idols might be handsome and good looking, but i only want it from you... garou the hero hunter."

he'd blush, and slightly smile at you

"but i'm the hero hunter, everyone fears me and probably hates me, i'm a trouble maker. would you change your mind after you hear the fact that i'm feared and hated by everyone?" says garou.

you'd put both of your hands on his cheek and put your forehead on his forehead 

"i don't care if you're a monster, a beast that everyone scared of, or just a normal human being. i've fallen for you, at least that's what i feel toward you now. but i wonder how do you feel about me...?" you asked.


hey! thank you for reading the newest part of the chapter! <3

word: 695

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