Part 2

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The sky is getting dark. you'd feel worried now. your heart is beating so fast. you feel like he just pranking you. you feel so sad, angry, betrayed, and worried at the same time. you decided to stand up and take a peek from the window. The city looks like a dead city. no one's around, pitch dark, and cold. Your eyes is getting teary but you wipe your tears and think that you have to be strong.

You'd hear a footstep from outside. you'd assume that it's the silver haired guy. you rushed out the door and follow the sound. your thought was wrong, it was not him. only a civilian that is also survived from the earlier incident. your face look so disappointed, you don't even know where do you have to go now. you sat in front of the daycare building and buried your face on your knees. You'd hear another footstep. but the footstep sounds so odd.

 your instinct told you to hide inside the building. you rush to the daycare building and hoping whoever it is, it will not notice you but your dummy thick just bump on to something and makes a thud sound. what ever it is, it is coming closer to you. once again, you'd feel panic, you decided to hide under the desk.

you hear something opened the door, you tried to control your breathing so it wont hear it. suddenly it's all silence. you feel a bit relief and let a big sigh come out from your mouth. yes, you shouldn't have done that, the monster notice you and lift up the desk. 

"i'm going to take you! or... should i just eat you for my "snack"~?" said the monster while looking at you in a sexual way.

ps: let's just say it's the monster that almost caught zenko (metal bat's sister).

you run as fast as you could to the door but before you could reach the door, the monster stretch it self and wrap your belly. you'd try to wiggle around so you can escape but it's way too tight. the monster brings you closer to it and started to laugh pervertly. you throw your sling bag to it eyes, and it let go of you. you fell to the floor and tries to get up. before you could run again, the monster jump to the entrance door, it look so furious.

"how dare you hu-" before it could finish their word, the monster body parts is everywhere on the ground.

you'd saw the silver haired man behind the monster. you can tell that he's the one who attacks it. you'd feel relief and you didn't even notice that you're crying. the silver haired man walks toward you and offer his hand to you. you grabbed his hand and stand up. 

"i'm sorry that i'm late, a lot of stuff had happened.... "(and actually i forgot.>he only says this part in his heart. so you can't hear this part.) said the silver haired man.

"there must've been a lot of monster out there... " you mumbled.

"yeah... anyway let's go" he answered.

suddenly there's a silence between us

"oh... right.. you dont even remember the road to your place." he mumbled.

"yeah.. i lost my hotel card. i'm sorry." you answered.

"things like that could happen any time, you don't need to apologize. i guess i need to borrow you my place." he answered.

you and that man walked for quite a long time, you keep a distance from that man, but not too far away. after a couple of minutes, you arrived at a small shack in the middle of the woods.


thank you for still hanging on in part 2, really do appreciate it!

word: 650

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