Part 3

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after a long walk, you guys finally arrived at the shack. it's so small and cramped there, you even feel so bad for him to stay there. he'd open thedoor and let you in first. you'd thank him and entered the shack. you take off your shoes and put it at the shoe self. you'd see a sofa.

"may i sit on the sofa?" you asked.

"go ahead." he answered

you walk toward the sofa and sit on it. your out fit is all dirty from the monster's liquid. he noticed that you wanted to clean your self

"if you want to use the bath room, it's before the kitchen area. you can borrow my extra clothes. i will prepare it for you." offered him 

"t-thanks..?" you answered awkwardly.

you put your slingbag on the sofa, and stand up, and walk toward the bathroom. you locked the bathroom door and started to undress your self. you'd turn on the shower, and the water would be cold because it doesn't have water heater on it. you'd deal with the cold water, you don't really care about hot or warm water anymore, you just want to clean your self from that nasty liquid. 

after you finished taking a shower, you realized that you forgot to ask for a towel. you'd feel panic. you feel so shy to ask him to borrow his towel, but you got no choice. you'd take your time to build up your courage to ask him about the towel. after you prepared, you opened the door a little bit and asked 

"excuse me... can i please borrow some towel?"

he'd look at the bath room area, and remembered that you're taking a shower so he quickly look at the opposite direction. 

"oh, right, my bad, i forgot to give you the most important thing, i will prepare it right away with my extra clothes." he answered.

you'd wait for him and not after a long time he knocked the bath room door to let me know that he want to lend you the towel and the extra clothes to you. you'd pull out one of your hand, he put the towel and the extra clothes at your hand, you grab it and close the door. you'd think that he is actually nice and gentle. your trust to him is gaining up. anyway, you've finish drying your self and you put the clothes that he lend for you to borrow. the clothes is so big, that makes it covers your thigh, so you decided not to use your long pants and wash it after you have his permission to wash your clothes.

you opened the bathroom door, you'd look at him while he still looking at the opposite direction from far away. 

"i have finished taking a shower." you'd say that out of nowhere

he'd turn around and say

"alright, does the clothes fit you? it was my clothes when i was younger but it doesn't fit me anymore" (because your muscle is getting bigger MMMmmmMMmmMMmM, sorry XD)

"yes, it's actually too big for me, but i don't mind" you answered.

he'd walk to the kitchen and grab a cup of instant noodle 

"i assume that you didn't eat yet, so i made you an instant noodle." he siad that while he hand me the instant noodle

i take the instant noodle and thank him, before you eat, you'd ask him

"excuse me, did you eat yet..?"

he'd look at me and answer 

"don't worry about me, i'm fine"

you'd say 

"please, i'd like to share half of this noodle with you, because i know you didn't eat yet"

he'd answer while giving you a glare

"just eat it"

you'd feel a little bit uncomfortable and eat the instant noodle.

you'd finish the instant noodle, you notice that he's been watching you while you eating, you'd feel a little bit awkward.

"you finish the food?" he asked while breaking the silence.

you'd nod your head. he offer his hand to you so he can throw the rubbish away, but you refuse it because you dont want to disturb him.

"just tell me where is the trash can, i'll deal with it"

"fine, the trashcan is under the kitchen sink." he answered while pointing at the kitchen sink

you'd stand up and throw some of the gravy on the sink and throw the other rubbish away in the trash can. you'd wash your hand on the kitchen sink, you'd feel a bit thirsty, you decide to ask him if it possible for you to have a drink. and of course he'd say yes, he also offer you to prepare the drink for you, you can tell by his eyes that he's so demanding, so you just let him prepare the water for you. you finally finished drinking the water and sit on the sofa while yawning. he notice it and ask

"why don't you just go to bed?"

you'd answer "ah... yeah, thankyou for everything, and i can sleep where ever you want me to sleep, i don't mind"

"you can sleep on the bed, i'll sleep at the sofa." he answered

"n-no! let me sleep on the sofa...!" you slightly raise your voice up

"... fine whatever, just let me prepare the pillow and stuff." he answered

you decided to stay quiet and wait for him until he finish preparing the stuff. after he finished preparing the pillow and blanket, you'd thank him and layed your self on the sofa. you close your eyes, and you fell into a deep sleep.


hey! thank you for still willing to read part 3 :) yes this part is longer than the previous one!

word:  925

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