Chap 18: Nidavellir

Start from the beginning

When I reach the top of the summit, I see the full extent of Thanos's destruction, Nidavellir is in ruins and there's not a single soul in sight. I remember Thor once said, "as long as the star still burns, then Eitri will still be able to forge." I glance up hopefully, the star may be smaller and dimmer than I remember, but it's still burning.

"Eitri, it is I, Thor your friend. Are you here?" I announce impersonating Thor's usual swagger. There's no response, but I feel the ground shudder beneath me. And I instantly recognize the heavy approaching footsteps of the gigantic dwarf.

"Thor good to see you!" Eitri calls out, his large frame clambering forward. His dark brown, stringy hair is all over the place and his thick, heavy brows are raised in surprise. "I didn't expect to see you again, what are you doing here?" His hands are encased in metal, and his clothes are dirty, disheveled and ragged. The foul unwashed scent of him hits my nose as he approaches me, and I try not to let my disgust show on my face. I grin warmly, mirroring Thor's charm and bravado, "I've missed you my friend! It's so good to see you! It's been far too long. I hope all has been well since we last saw each other."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Kamilla jogging up the steps before she stumbles over a piece of metal on the floor. I hear a loud shatter and flinch as she stumbles a second time. Finally, she regains her balance and strides up next to me acting causal. Eitri's face is grim and his wiry crumb-filled mustache quivers as he speaks, "Not long after you left, I disintegrated and then reappeared." He stares at the ground ashamed, "I assume Thanos used the gauntlet I made him."

I nod gravely and muster an empathetic look, "Yes, but he's dead now, so he won't be bothering you. I'm truly sorry for what he did to the dwarves."

His eyes are shimmering with sadness, so I change the subject to avoid seeing him cry, "I came to help you remove the metal from your hands." I say trying to sound as upbeat as Thor always is.

"I've tried to break them Thor, but even you are not strong enough to remove them." Eitri replies somberly, his eyes downcast in misery.

"Maybe so, but I've brought a friend who is quite adept in sorcery." I gesture at Kamilla and she grins warmly. "This is my dear friend Kamilla. She's going to release your hands and in exchange we'd like you to forge another God-killing weapon for me."

He tilts his head, his brows furrowing, "Is Stormbreaker not to your satisfaction?"

"No, no!" I interject, "I love it, I was just hoping you might forge me something different this time; a sword. Now if you would take a seat, Kamilla can fix your hands."

He clambers to the back of the room and grabs a stool, as the floor trembles slightly with each of his steps.

I nudge Kamilla and whisper, "I can't use magic in front of him, but you can." She nods wordlessly, so I continue, "I want you to focus your magic on the metal, until it weakens and cracks, after that he should be able to break free."

Eitri returns with a stool and sits on it with a loud creak, his face a mixture of hope and despair.

"Hi Eitri, nice to meet you." Kamilla says sweetly, "If you'll just hold still, I should have this off you in no time." I feel the room shimmer with magic, as she pours her magic towards his hands. After a moment, a loud crack splits the metal in two and it crumbles falling from his hands to the floor.

Eitri laughs and stretches his hands out in front of him looking amazed.

"Thank you Kamilla!" He cries, his eyes sparkling. "Thank you Thor! This is most wonderful!"

Kamilla's eyes light up and she grins warmly, "You're more than welcome Eitri. I'm only sorry I couldn't help you sooner."

I grin before chiming in, "Anything for you my friend!" Then I add smoothly, "So now that you're a new man, would you consider forging me a sword?"

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