Chapter 3 - Viridian city, Giovanni

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Making their way to the Pokemon center in viridian city three days later ash was beyond exhausted from their trek thru the woods and all the exercising he had done along side his Pokemon as they trained, walking into the city had brought a great sigh of relief at the thought of an actual bed and being able to wash with hot water for the first time in days.

Even though the first rout had been difficult ash was glad he hadn't simply rushed thru it like the other trainers, he had watched from the bushes as the other two trainers from pallet had rode passed on their bikes trying to speed thru the route as fast as they could to make it thru viridian and straight on to pewter.

It was a known fact that Giovanni the viridian gym leader and known business man was one of the most powerful gym leaders in kanto and could easily take the spot of an elite four member should one open up. Because of his strength the league had agreed with his request to put a badge limit on his gym so that only those who had all seven of their previous badges could even enter.

Since they wouldn't be able to challenge the gym in viridian most new trainers blast past it trying to get to the next gym in pewter as soon as possible missing the chance to collect some valuable Pokémon. Ash hated it when trainers tried to go thru their gym challenges as quickly as possible instead of taking the time to properly train their Pokémon.

Once they reached the city ash had been forced to recall houndour and nidoran as poison and dark types weren't exactly welcome in most cities, ghost types usually weren't either but what was the harm if the people couldn't actually see the ghost. Ash figured he already had a small army of ghosts following invisibly in his shadow what was one more.  


Giovanni sat reclining in his desk chair after having finished the paper work that had accumulated over the time he had been gone dealing with the ending of the last Pokémon league championships, all gym leaders were required by the league to be there in order to watch the championships and to provide extra security with so many trainers and citizens flocking to the indigo Plato.

He had been back for almost a two weeks now and it was only now that he could look forward to having a smaller pile of paperwork at least until the championship comes around again.

'master' Giovanni turned to look at his most powerful Pokémon, the experimentally cloned mew two. Giovanni had been excited when he learned that the mew clone had managed to survive even when the other test subjects had failed, he had been given two choices that day in how he would treat mew two and which direction he had wanted to take with the raising of this creature.

He could choose to see that Pokémon as purely a weapon that could be used and discarded at his leisure or he could choose to treat the Pokémon as a living being and care for it as he did all of his personal Pokémon, he might have chosen the former option had it not been for the breeders scare.

As a gym leader he was made aware of the raid they were going to do on the illegal breeders ring that the other criminal teams used as a way to equip their lower level grunts with as many Pokémon as possible, Giovanni had of course been hounded by the breeders to see if he would be procuring any of their specimens for his own grunts to use as cannon fodder.

He hadn't gotten to where he is today by being rash or impulsive however and had chosen to do his own research into how those Pokémon behaved and how powerful they usually became, what he found had been disappointing. The Pokémon produced were often weak, injured, or suffered from some pre-existing condition caused by over breeding and inbreeding; they often attacked both ally and enemy in their rabid state of mind thou they weren't often reported for injuring someone as no matter how they were trained they were simply to weak to do much damage.

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