chapter 1 Kanto - the first step

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Ash Ketchum stood nervously on the front porch of a large farm house staring at the door to the lab of the regional Pokemon professor for the region of Kanto, professor oak. As he stood there waiting for it to open he took a moment to look up at the sky that was just starting to show the first rays of sun light, he worried for a few seconds that he might have gotten to the lab a bit too early not that anyone would blame him for his excitement.

Today was finally the day ash would be allowed to go out into the world to become a Pokemon trainer, he had always loved Pokemon of every kind and had been dreaming of starting his own Pokemon journey since he could understand when he could leave on one.

However after an accident four years ago ash had come to love ghost and dark type Pokemon more than the other types and now wanted to be a master trainer of both the dark and ghost types, Ash knew that there weren't many ghost or dark types that could be natively found in Kanto so he was planning on catching Pokemon who had a great potential to learn ghost type moves as well.

He had come up with this plan while he had been training under professor oak and his mentor who taught him about the type advantages and weaknesses of each Pokemon and how hard it was for type masters to succeed if they never ventured outside their preferred type.

By allowing himself to catch any Pokemon who had ghost type potential ash was expanding his team to include a number of other Pokemon who would be strong against the ghost types known weaknesses.

He was only a little upset that there were no ghost or dark type Pokemon offered by the lab for a trainers first Pokemon but he understood that most experienced trainers had a hard time trying to get those types to behave so asking a normal beginner to train one would be a disaster, he understood their worry and was prepared to simply choose the next best option.

The door to the lab swung open with a slight creak as a still drowsy but clearly awake professor oak stood in the door way, his signature lab coat was wrinkled as if the professor had slept in his cloths the previous night while his short grey hair was standing up in different directions having yet to be brushed.

"ash? What are you doing here so early my boy? I didn't set the meeting time for another few hours" professor oak asked as he took a look at his watch before turning his attention back to the young boy in front of him.

He almost couldn't believe how much he had grown over the years, ash had always been on the smaller side of his age group thanks to his mothers small stature and how much of his appearance he gained from her. Ash had always had an effeminate build that only became more pronounced as he got older, while most boys at the age of sixteen were broad shouldered and muscular Ash had ended up slim and petite.

Ash's pure black hair fell loosely around his ears and neck while his bangs stuck up at odd angles thanks to the black baseball cap he usually wore, the boy was slim with lean muscles gained from helping professor oak run after all of the Pokemon on the ranch over the years giving him a body that was built more for speed than strength.

"yeah, you did it's just that, I couldn't really wait, and I'm sorry that I woke you up I was just so excited to head out I wasn't really thinking about the time" ash said as he scratched the back of his head, a childhood habit that showed when he was nervous.

Oak wasn't surprised by his excitement Ash had always loved Pokemon and had only become more involved with the raising of the ranch Pokemon as he got older, most days when he arrived the boy was nearly stalked by the few ghost and dark type Pokemon that had been sent to the professors ranch by the trainers he had sponsored over the years.

"it's no problem Ash, come on in, in fact it might be a good thing that your here early as I have a surprise for you" oak said as he lead ash down to his lab where he had prepared the starter Pokemon for the latest batch of Pokemon trainers that were registering with the professor.

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