The Itsy Bitsy Spider - Angst

Start from the beginning

Sweat started to bead down my forehead as I kept walking, what if I was going to get shot or stabbed? Not particularly on my bucket list. I was nearly about to reach the end of the hallway before the sound of footsteps stopped me in my tracks. My blood turns to ice as I heard a mans voice in the hallway to my left.

"No one seems to be in the hallways," He says, his gruff voice sounded like one that belonged to a bear.

I leaned tightly against the wall and closed my eyes, think Peter, think. What would Mr. Stark do? What would Mr. Stark do what would Mr. Stark do what would-

"Why, hello there." A different man's voice says, sounding much older. I open my eyes and find a gun pointed in the middle of my eyes.

There's two of them, of course. I mentally slap myself.

"Say hi to god." He grins, but before he pulls the trigger, I lean down and swipe my leg under him, making him lose his balance and shoot my leg.

I felt the pain before I heard the shot.

I didn't have time to sit and cry, I had to run or he wouldn't miss the next time. Even with every nerve in my body screaming in protest, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, which was noticeably slower than my normal speed.

"Get that boy!" He yells, but I could barely hear it over the heartbeat in my ears.

My head was spinning uncontrollably at this point, and I had to blink a few times just so I wouldn't smash down against the ground. Finally, after taking random cuts and turns, I make it to the school cafeteria.

I have to hide, I thought, and I pushed open the large doors. The big room was only lit by the soft outside light, giving it an eerie vibe that sent a small chill down my spine.

I looked around and then looked up, seeing the big ceiling lights. It's the only safe place, I decide and limp to the concrete wall. I take a few deep breathes before positioning my hands and feet up against the wall. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from screaming as I slowly make it up to the wall, every few seconds having to stop and blink the black spots away from my vision. I clench my teeth together in concentration, trying to think about anything other than my leg.

I finally make it to the ceiling and crawl my way to one of the ceiling lights, putting my good legs foot onto it to test its weight capacity. I carefully unstick from the ceiling and gradually put my weight onto the light. This should be a good hiding spot, for now. I take a deep breath and duck down, putting my forehead against my arms as I try to calm down the spinning. This can't be happening this can't be-

I hear the doors swing open and I duck down lower.

"When I find that kid, I'm gonna kill him myself." One of the men hisses, the same voice belonging to the guy who almost shot me before.

They all take off their masks, and I peep my head up to get a good look at them. Two of them look like they're in their mid-twenties, clean shaven and a serious look on both of their faces. Both of them are extremely muscular, and the only difference between the two is hair and skin color.

The man in the middle, however, looks as though he's been through hell and back.

He seems more relaxed than the other two, and he looks like his in his late forties or early fifties. His face had an assortment of scars, some seemingly had long faded, and others looked only a month old. The only scar that really stood out was one that stretched right across his neck.

"Easy, Felix. We need to find the motherfucker first." An entirely different voice comments. Then they start bickering over who knows what.

The throbbing in my leg was more painful than ever, with a headache now punching against my skull. I tried to reposition my leg so it wouldn't hurt as bad, but I stop when the light shifts against my will. I stare at the men down below, No no no... don't look up, don't look up...

The men stop talking, and I ducked down lower into the light, begging for them to not notice.

My heart was beating fast against my chest, and the seconds seemed to slow down as the silence in the room was interrupted by the cocking of a gun. I can't die here.. not here not now, please... please please please-

I hear a gunshot ring past me, splitting through the air making a loud hiss. My ears ring painfully for a couple of seconds, but relief washes over me as I realize.

They missed.

And then the ceiling started to crack above me.

I looked up, feeling the ceiling light starting to sway at my weight as the ceiling started to break, and then it all came crumbling down, snapping the light along with it. I immediately jump off of the light, making me tumble forward as the light crashes against the floor. The impact was so forceful I could've sworn I heard a crack, and I had lost my breath. I lay there curled up in a ball, helplessly trying to even get a small amount of oxygen. A warm tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek. I feel a scream try to escape my throat, but it refuses to escape my mouth.

I lay there helplessly for a few seconds, before feeling strong arms lift me off the ground by the front of my blue sweatshirt. I dangle there helplessly, trying to kick but was failing miserably. My vision fades in and out as he slams me against the floor, and all I can do is lay there limply as he picks me up again.

"Now how in the hell did you get up there?" He grinned, tilting his head slightly. "Oh, wait, I know." I feel another tear roll down my cheek as I turn my head to the side limply, but he grabs my face to turn toward him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, meet the amazing Spider-Man," He grins with fake enthusiasm, slamming me even harder against the flooring.

He stepped closer to me, his dark boots only two inches away from my head. ".. or, not so amazing.." He growls, and then suddenly kicking me in the head. This time I let out a blood-curdling scream, before it drowns out of nothing as the light fades into nothing.

(You guys the end of far from home I can't even-

Also thanks for 1k votes ❤️

Part two will be up soon! Tony gets really pissed.)

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