"Xander," Klara said, chewing on her lip, and looking uncertain. But, uncertainty and Klara weren't even on the same planet. She always knew exactly what she wanted to do at all times.

Something must have been really wrong. I softened my voice, my hands still filing through Achilles' silky hair. "Did something happen yesterday?" I said more urgently.

Someone in scrubs stepped forward. "You've been in regeneration."

My heart plummeted. "Not more than a few days, right?"

Silence filled the room and I looked to Klara. She was always so serious but standing in front of me I saw her break down into sadness.

"Oh, Xander," Klara said, walking over to me and cupping my face. "It's been a month."

For a second everything stopped. "No." I said softly. "No way."

Klara nodded, her eyes filling with tears. She ran her fingers all across my face , like she couldn't believe I was real. Her composure cracked and she started crying. I could barely understand what she was saying. "And we thought—You were just so still—barely even breathing—we've missed you—I've missed you." Klara sniffled noisily.

Between more sniffles she talked about how hard everything had been, how terrible it all was and how so many people had visited me. One of the nurses helped shift Achilles fully onto my bed, and he groaned, snuggling up closer to me. He was fast asleep, and still a little cold. None of this made any sense.

Klara gasped. "Oh my God, I have to tell everyone you're awake." She whipped out her phone walking across the room to sit in an arm chair.

At the same time a doctor came up to me introducing herself as Dr. Kiara Espinoza, informing me that I have been in regeneration for thirty-one days and that not only was it a miracle I was awake but the fact I'd woken up so soon. She informed me they'd keep me for tests and observation over the next two days but after that I could go home.

It still wasn't clicking for me that I had been in a nearly vegetative state for a month. The nurses drew vials of blood, took my blood pressure, checked my reflexes and analyzed my fangs all while Achilles lay asleep against my side.

The longer I looked at him, the rougher he looked. He seemed exhausted, a weariness that had never been present in his face currently there. God, I'd really put him through it.

And then my parents got to the room and it was shocking for me to see my father in tears upon seeing me.

"Papa—" I stammered out, surprised at the outpouring of emotion.

He was crying so hard he was struggling to breathe, just touching my shoulders and my hair, like it was the most amazing thing. My mother was more composed, speaking for both of them. "Oh, Xander. You don't know how much we've missed you. It's been awful."

My father composed himself, blowing his nose into a handkerchief. "Xander, you know you're my favourite son right?" His eyes were so wide.

I laughed tearily. "I'm you're only son."

He nodded, laughing with me. "Yeah, I know." He swallowed, noticing Achilles. "I've met your wolf, and he's a good man. You're lucky to have him."

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