Chapter 5

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Mr. Kwons words hit Son Hee like thick ice. The hairs behind her neck stood up. What the hell was he talking about? Fire Bender's? No, Bender's? Is that even true? How can there be such a thing in this world? This is complete absurdity.

Everyone waited for Mr. Kwon to throw a laugh and say he was joking. But Mr. Kwon just stared at them back. 'It might seem unbelievable, yeah, I know, none of us believed in it either at first. But then we fixed the puzzle pieces together and that's when we finally realized, it was true.' said Mr. Kwon. Mr. Gong noded in agreement. Son Hee looked back at the sculpture. It's curved so well, not even a single flow - Earth Bender. Son Hee sighed as realization hit her straight in the face. It wasnt absurdity after all. As if reading her mind, Mr. Kwon said, 'Exactly! The mud sculpture we saw earlier, its made by an Earth Bender.' He completed with a smile. 'They say that there was a weather bender too, the most unique and the only one of its kind. But no one's sure yet. That's a complete impossibility.' Said Mr. Gong. 'Theres no saying what's impossible anymore. Things like Bender's existed in our world. What else do we expect?' stated Mr. Kwon.

Mr. Gong checked his watch, and realized it's above 5 hours and suggested a break. At once, everyone dispersed.


At home:

That night, Son Hee skipped dinner, something she never did. Son Hee had always been over conscious of her health and beauty. But that night she just wasted her time thinking.

Son Hee walked up to the balcony of her room, that looked down two stories. The breeze was cool and soothing. Her hairs flew past her face, but Son Hee just enjoyed it. She looked up the sky, thinking. How would it be, to live a life as a bender? Would it be nice? Would it make me feel powerful? But at the end, there power was there destruction. Would things be a little different, if they weren't Bender's? Would they have survived long, like the other nations did? What if we could change it? Change fate? What if someone went back in time, to help them change? Would it be fair then? Could I do it? Could I go back in time, if I wanted to?

Her thoughts were interuppted when something sparkled in the sky. Son Hee looked above her, but by the time she did so, there was just a flash of light, and everything returned to normal. What was that? Thought Son Hee. By any chance, did I just see the three shooting stars? Wish making three shooting stars? Son Hee laughed at her own stupid thought. No way! It's not like 300 years finished just today. How stupid of her to think something like that. With that, Son Hee went back to her room jumped into her bed and tried to fall asleep. But no matter how hard she tried, sleep would just not come to her. Half an hour later, Dong Hee and Won Hee joined her in the room. Won Hee begun playing video games while Dong Hee dazed off, thinking. 'I still can't stop thinking about that Bow and Arrow. Wasn't it so beautiful?' asked Dong Hee. Won Hee chuckled. 'As if.' When Dong Hee shot her a glare, Won Hee said, 'Yeah, yeah it was, it was beautiful. But, didn't you feel like that poem was really sweet? I really liked it!' 'It was too flirty.' remarked Dong Hee and didn't feel like to correct herself when Won Hee shot her a glare. 'I think that sword was really pretty. Majestic and all' said Son Hee. The others agreed. 'It was pretty indeed. Mr. Kwon said it was of the queen.' said Dong Hee. Son Hee just nodded. The queen must have been really powerful. The sword said it all.

'We have another visit tomorrow, don't we?' asked Won Hee. 'Yeah. It's our last. We just take notes and study the stuffs.' Replied Dong Hee. Before Son Hee even knew, she was fast asleep.


'Lets take notes of that one. And that one too.' said Sarang.

It was there second visit too the museum and there last, at least for now. They took notes of whatever they saw important and studied them. 'I don't think the flower vase is important. It's just made of Jade, it belonged to the Lee household. That's all' said Hae Jin. They took notes of this and that, completely focused on there work that they almost missed lunch break. 'I m tired. Let's go eat.' says Min Jae.

The friends had lunch and talked about all that they learnt. All through the while, Son Hee felt light headed. 'Son Hee? Are you ok?' asks Min Jae. 'Yeah am fine, just feeling light headed.' replied Son Hee. 'Yah! I told you not to skip dinner yesterday! You are not used to it you fool!' retorted Dong Hee. Son Hee just stayed silent. 'I don't feel very well actually. I... I wanna go home.' Son Hee finally said. Judging by her look, the others understood that she was serious. 'Krey(ok). Let's get you home.' said Hae Jin. The others agreed and started exiting the cafeteria.

By the time they reached the landing, Son Hee was already  falling off her feet. What the hell is happening to me? Thought Son Hee. As time passed, Son Hees body started growing cold and eventually, she lost balance. Son Hee bumped into a passing by scientist. She tried to apologise, but she hit the opposite wall and collapsed to the floor. 'Son Hee!' screamed Won Hee. They all rushed to her but Son Hee was far too gone. Her body started jerking in every sides, foam coming out of her mouth. What's happening? Thought Son Hee. Was she going to die? The scientists try to wake her up, but everything is useless. 'Unni!' cried Won Hee. Son Hees eyes grew weary, her hearing senses decreased, her breathing became low. 'Shes going to die. Somebody call an ambulance!' shouted a scientist. 'Anyeo(no)!' cried the others. Her body stops jerking, and her legs went numb. She was going to die. Through her weary eyes, Son Hee saw Mr. Kwon running and kneeling down to her. Covering her forehead with his palms, Mr. Kwon murmured something like, 'Its gonna be alright.' and then, in Son Hees brain, everything went black.


In The Name Of The Stars [Sample]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz