Fuck, I'm screwed. I did break all those rules. Nick was gonna kill me for sure. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little... I'm just glad he didn't find out about how I got to the party.

Nick: alright then lets just get this over with

Nick got up and took off his belt from his belt loop. Ever since I turned 13, Nick as promised said he was gonna give me the belt more often now instead of his hands or brush. It has always been like this in our family even when our parents were around. I wish there was another way to get out of this but I couldn't think of anything, fuck I won't be sitting down for weeks.

He put my desk chair in the middle of my bedroom. When giving a belt punishment in our home it always had to be over the bed or over a chair because there's a big difference to it. I should know because I had been hit with the belt in both positions. He pointed to it, I sigh and. kneel down in front of it before burying  my face into my arms and with that the first lick to Nick's belt started.

My punishment was finally over and Nick pulled me into a hug and rub my back while singing one of his songs from his album softly into my ear as he calmed me down and I slowly fell into a deep sleep listening to the sound of his voice.

Nick's POV
I notice Charlie fell asleep. I would always sing to her after a spanking and always helped calm her. I carried her back to her room and applied some lotion on her before returning back her panties. I left a note on her beside table telling her that I had left and Mrs. Brown was watching her. Mrs. Brown was one of my neighbors who agreed to babysit Charlie while I'm away. She offered because she loves children and most children comes to her house when their parents can't look after their kid.

I went to my room and change, grab my bag and I called my neighbor Ms. Brown to see if she can look after Charlie while I was at work, since I couldnt trust her by herself now even tho she's old enough she might sneaks out again.

She arrive sooner or later and I gave her a list of things she can do in the house, while she looks after Charlie. I said goodbye to her and went to go pick up Selena since her car broke down last night.

*A few hours later*

Charlie's POV
I woke up to the smell of browines, I notice a note on my beside table and picked it up before reading it.

To: Charlie
Went to work, Ms. Brown is here looking out for you, be home by dinner. Don't leave the house
From: Nick

I sigh, oh great I'm on house arrest. I threw my note away before checking my phone to see if I had any messages from my friends. I was super bored and it's only the afternoon... Screw Nick. I grabbed my skateboard from my closet because I decide to go to the skate park but I made sure to see if Ms. Brown was even down there.

I ran into the kitchen to find Ms. Brown making her awesome famous browines.

Charlie: yummy! Ms. Brown, it smells good in here *smiles*
Ms. Brown: thanks you hun, you wanna try some?
Charlie: oh boy I do! But first I have to check my sugar
Ms. Brown: of course dear

I pricked my finger and the blood went to meter, I waited until two beep went off. Well fuck that wasn't good. The number was in the 300+ I was super high. I slammed down the meter frustrated, ugh I hate managing my diabetes by myself, where the hell is Nick when I need him.

Mrs. Brown: is everything, okay?
Charlie: *lies* yeah my sugar is low, I just need some sugar in my system that's all
Mrs. Brown: well I'm glad I made these then

I grab one but was careful not to burn my hand, before I ate one I asked her.

Charlie: did you put nuts in these?
Ms. Brown: nope your brother Nick told me your allergic and to just make you chocalte chips one instead
Charlie: well thanks anyways it delicious, hey I'm going to the skate park, I will be home by 5
Ms. Brown: wait a minute Charlie, your brother told me you weren't aloud to leave the house unless he's okay with it
Charlie: *pouts* but that's not fair!

Ugh! Here goes Nick again ruining my life!

Ms. Brown: I'm sorry but those aren't my rules
Charlie: *annoyed* you can't tell me what to do!
Ms. Brown: excuse me?
Charlie: *glares at her* you heard me, I could go wherever I want when I want because no one can tell me what to do especially you!

With that I walk out, just like that and I quickly road on my skate board before she can stop me. By the time I get back home Nick was gonna kill me and I will be dealing with him for talking to Ms. Brown like that. I just got myself into a situation I know I can't get out of.

Nick's POV
I was at work when I got a call from Ms. Brown. She told me everything about what Charlie said and I was so pissed off at her. When is this little girl gonna learn that she can't talk to adults like this. I told Selena that I had to handle a situtation at home and she would cover for me with work. Selena and I have been working on a music video together for one of my songs on the album. I got my stuff I needed before heading to my car.

I got home from work and walk into my home and found Ms. Brown in the putting something away in the refridge.

Nick: hey Ms. Brown I'm back where's Charlie?
Ms. Brown: skate park
Nick: ugh, I told that girl no going out *sighs* I'll be right back, sorry for all the trouble she caused
Ms. Brown: it's fine Nick, teenagers will be teenagers
Nick: and it's hard raising one as well
Ms. Brown: I know, but if most parents can get through with it I'm sure you'll get through it as well
Nick: you do know I'm her brother right
Ms. Brown: Nick, I have known you for two years already, I think I already know that
Nick: okay, well I'll be right back with her. You don't have to stay if she comes home. I know exactly where she is
Ms. Brown: that's okay Nick

I nodded at her and dismiss her, and thanked her again. I went to my car and started driving to the skate park.

Who I Am: Charlotte May Jonas Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant