“Are Nora and Cassie coming?” Hugo asked, observing the lack of the two girls.

“They should be,” Rudolph shrugged. “They’re probably running late.”

Hugo scoffed, “Cassie’s a Ravenclaw; I hardly believe she’d want to be late of her own accord.”

“Stereotypes,” Lily commented, rolling her eyes.

“I’m just saying,” Hugo retorted, sounding defensive.

“It is out of character for Cassie to be running late though,” Eli pointed out. “I thought she was going to murder us on the last day of school for being less than fifteen minutes early to the train.”

“That’s Cassie for you,” Rudolph laughed. “Anyway, so how have your summers been?”

“Less than eventful,” Hugo sighed. “Not having access to magic makes the word a lot less exciting. I don’t know how I’ve ever gotten by.”

“Can we try not to use to m-word?” Rudolph asked. “My grandparents are Muggles and don’t know anything about the m-word.”

“We need a code word for it,” Hugo said.

“Please,” Lily sighed, rolling her eyes. “We don’t need a-”

“Yes, we do,” Hugo interrupted confidently. “Pumpkin Juice.”

Pumpkin Juice?” Lily asked skeptically. “You propose we use the word-”

“I miss using Pumpkin Juice. I can’t wait to go back to Hogwarts and start to use Pumpkin Juice again,” Hugo sighed, flopping back on the sofa.

“That just sounds stupid,” Eli scoffed, rolling his grey eyes. “It sounds like it’s some illegal substance.”

“That’s Firewhiskey, you’re thinking of, Eli,” Hugo smirked.

“You know what I meant,” Eli said, shaking his mop of hair. “This is so typical, Hugo.”

“Being a little git,” Rudolph added on with a hint of sarcasm.

“Yeah, and twisting words around, so they mean something you didn’t particularly mean them to,” Lily finished with a laugh. “I’ve known him for over twelve years; I know him like the back of my hand.”

“You know me well enough to know that messing with people is my specialty,” Hugo smirked. “It’s where I get my enjoyment from.”

“You ought to go work for Uncle George then,” Lily laughed.

“Speaking of Uncle George,” Hugo smiled, grabbing a paper bag out of his overnight things, “I come bearing gifts, complementary of Weasleys’ Wizard-”

“Don’t use the w-word either please,” Rudolph requested, looking unnerved by it.

“Fine,” Hugo sighed, rolling his eyes. “These are complementary of Weasleys’ Pumpkin Juice Wheezes. I have them for Nora and Cassie, too. You know, if they ever decide to show up.”     

Hugo dug in the bag and handed Lily, Rudolph, and Eli each a package covered in parchment.

“Why didn’t Uncle George tell me about this?” Lily asked, looking down at the mysterious gift in her hands.

“He stopped by my house today and asked if I could give these to my friends. He wants some people to test it; it’s a prototype,” Hugo explained. “Go ahead! Open them!”

Lily was quick to tear the parchment from the oddly-shaped package and was surprised to find a camera inside.

“A camera?” Eli questioned. “Is this some kind of joke camera?”

Lily Potter and the Shadows' MisfortuneWhere stories live. Discover now