Chapter One

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It was strange how much could change over the course of a single year. Since September of last year, Lily Luna Potter had gone to Hogwarts, studied the Greek language, and battled a possessed revolutionary fiercely for her friends and family all while maintaining top marks in all of her classes and starting and strengthening her new friendships. It was the impossible life of Lily Luna Potter that only she could keep up with.

Despite her adventurous first year at Hogwarts, her summer was going along quite slowly. She and her family had moved out of their old Muggle house and into the newly renovated Number Twelve Grimmauld Place last month. Lily loved their new home and was thrilled about the magical aura it seemed to give off. Living in a magical home beat an average Muggle house any day of the week. However, she was beginning to become lonely as the summer continued on. It was already July, and she had only written to her friends and had yet to see them in person, aside from one of her best friends who also happened to be her cousin, Hugo Weasley.

“Lily!” someone was rapping on her door, startling her out of the mindless activity of dangling a piece of string in front of her two cats, Mouse and Ginger.

After recovering from the surprise, she told the person to come in. Her bedroom door swung open on its hinges, revealing her eldest brother, James, who was going into his fifth year, standing there with a letter in his hand.

“The Hogwarts letters are finally here,” he said, tossing it across the room to her. “It took them long enough this year.”

The letter landed perfectly on Lily’s crisscrossed legs, “Thanks, James. Nice badge.”

James smiled a bit sheepishly and looked down at the small, gold and red badge, reading “C”, which he had pinned to his grey t-shirt. It denoted that he had been made the Gryffindor Quidditch captain for the year, “Too bad I didn’t get a nice prefect one to match.”

Lily could only roll her brown eyes at this, “No one in their right mind would appoint you as a prefect, James. You’re too much of a trouble maker.”

He gave her a signature cocky grin, “I didn’t want to be a prefect anyway; Uncle George would be very disappointed in me. Besides, it probably went to Bobby Chasity, the prat.”

“Bobby’s your best friend, James,” Lily laughed.

“I know, and I’m disgusted that one of my friends is probably an ickle prefect now,” he said, rolling his brown eyes, which matched Lily’s. “How are we supposed to cause trouble when he’ll be too busy enforcing the rules we all love to break this year? Damien and I will never let him live this one down if he was made it.”

She rolled her eyes at him once more (it was a occurrence while talking with James) and waved him out of her room. She tore open her envelope, and a piece of parchment fell from the inside and onto her lap.

It indeed was her Hogwarts letter, and she grinned as she read over the emerald ink a few times. Last year hadn’t been just a dream. It was real. She was going back to Hogwarts to spend another year with her friends to learn magic and have a bit of fun along the way.

Getting over her sentimental feelings, Lily moved her eyes down to the supply list at the bottom of the letter. Judging by the list, it looked like she’d only need the next edition in the Standard Book of Spells series by Goshawk for her Charms class. Other than that, all she’d need to buy in Diagon Alley would be refills for her potions class as well as a few new containers of ink for her quills. She was debating on whether or not to ask her parents if she could buy a broom all for herself this year as she planned on trying out for the house Quidditch team.

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