Author's Note // A Celebration!!

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Don't shoot!! I realize that this isn't the anticipated chapter, but I come with reason to celebrate!! Several reasons actually!!

1. I've been on Wattpad for 4 years as of six days ago!! Woo!!

2. Lily Potter and the Shadows' Misfortune is almost coming to a close!! Woo!!


I want to thank you all for that!! If you've gotten this far into the series, then, I'm fairly certain that you played some part in getting the book to this level! So thank you!! If you read, if you voted, if you commented, and/or if you shared it with your friends/followers, I want to thank you!!

Alright, so what does this mean?!?! I want to do something special for these three special events because they're coinciding this month! Now, what to do?!?! That's up to youuuuu!! I wouldn't be here without you guys, so I'm asking you, my fantastic readers, if there's anything you'd like to see from me to celebrate this trifecta—if you will!!

So leave your suggestions here if you're up for that, and be sure to comment on any other ideas you see that you think are totally awesome!! If you're not up for that, that's okay, too!! You're still fantastic in my book!! Woo!!


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