Chapter Twenty-Seven

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In the first two weeks back to school after the winter holiday, Lily still hadn't figured anything out. She had no plan to figure out what was going on with the Sanger twins or what was going on with the revolution. She had no proof that the two things were even interconnected. She had nothing. Absolutely nothing.

This nothingness wasn't Lily's fault, however. With mounds of homework and James' constants, strenuous Quidditch practices, Lily barely had time to breathe. With the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff match that morning, Lily hoped that the Quidditch part of her business would die down, leaving her with free time to wonder about the Sangers and the revolution.

"Morning, Quidditch star!" Cecily greeted Lily when Lily walked out of the bathroom in full Quidditch gear.

Lily laughed, "Nice to see that you're up bright and early. This is a change."

"Sleep is second to only Quidditch," Cecily said with a laugh. "Believe me, if Gryffindor weren't playing this morning, I'd be in bed past lunch."

Lily believed it; her friend did love her sleep more than most things, "I know."

"Can't say the same for the Sanger twins though," Cecily said, her voice lowering in volume. "Those two are still asleep."

Immediately, Lily felt a bit guilty for carrying on her conversation with Cecily when Addie and Romy were still sleeping. Sure, Lily was a tad suspicious of them, but her roommates deserved their Saturday morning snoozes.

"I should probably be a bit quieter then," Lily said sheepishly as she tiptoed across the dorm room to her bed.

"Did you lose a pair of socks or something?" Cecily asked. "I might have a pair if you need them."

"No, I need my hat," Lily said, standing up on her bed to grab her lion hat from where she had hung on it high on the bedframe. "It's not a Quidditch Saturday without the lion hat."

"I'd agree," Cecily said as Lily hopped off of her bed, hat in hand. "I still can't believe that hat. It's ridiculous."

"I know," Lily said, putting her hat on in front of her mirror; she couldn't wear her pride and joy lopsided. "That's what makes it so special- the sheer ridiculousness of it. I love it."

"Who made that thing again?" Cecily asked.

"My godmother, Luna Lovegood. You know her, right?"

"Yeah," Cecily said, nodding before letting out a laugh. "You know, that lion hat makes a lot more sense now that I know who made it in the first place."

"I suppose it does," Lily said, standing up from where she had crouched to see herself in the mirror. "Are you ready to go to breakfast?"

"I've actually got to hop in the shower," she said, pulling a strand of hair to show Lily. "This greasy hair won't wash itself."

"Fair enough," Lily said, smiling at her friend. "I'll see you down at breakfast or after the game."

"I'd wish you good luck, but you don't need it. You're a fantastic Chaser, Lil."

Lily felt herself blushing a bit at her friend's compliment, "Thanks, Cecily."

"Now, go get breakfast! You won't be so fantastic on an empty stomach."

"Agreed," Lily said, feeling her stomach rumble. "See you!"

"See you."

With that, Lily headed out of her dorm and down to the Gryffindor common room where the other three Gryffindor second years sat, waiting for her.

Lily Potter and the Shadows' MisfortuneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora